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Author: jordy

Reading and Reflection Assignments#1_Jordy

I decided to read the “Diary of the Wimpy of a Kid”, because I love reading books that have some type of comedy to it. Also it ive read some of the books when I was young. I’ve read the green one and the yellow one. I don’t remember the titles these book, but I know the colors (each color is a different type of book). I still haven’t read the first one until today. I know what your going say ” how could you read the third and the fourth book and not read the first one”, well I didn’t know it was the first one until I was in middle school. Then I saw the book later on in middle school in my libarary, but at that time I didn’t like reading.  Now that im in college the book showed up again. Maybe I was meant to read this book all along.  

As I’m reading this book it reminds me when all the kids wanted to read this book and the only way to get your hands on it  was to buy it though the book store that was in the library. When they got it, they would show it off thinking like their the cool kids. I didn’t care though cause I knew that if I would’ve brought it, I would most definitely have not read it. So what I did was write a diary myself to see if it was funny or fun writing it. Here whats funny I only wrote five pages and stop because I didn’t want someone else to say “look you spelled something wrong” or your say something about my punctation. 

As I’m reading more I knew why I brought two book. the book is so goofy and funny to anyone who reads it. And this is him only talking about his daily life and what goes on in his house, friends house,  and school.  This also  reminds me of the dairys that we are currently doing since we are on lockdown. We talk about what have we been doing since the lockdown and posting it.

Diary assignment #1

March 25, 2020

3:00 P.M.

I needed to study for this exam. I don’t really know what to study, so what I did was read the whole chapter. The chapter has about 39 pages.

5:25 P.M.

Just finished studying for now, let me take a break.

5:30 P.M.

Trying to find something to watch but their was nothing to watch. I hate it when I can’t watch something cause their is nothing good on.

7:00 P.M.

I checked my email, I got some notification about when my class discussion starts for math, and when my exams starts.

8:00 P.M.

Did some math homework in which the whole class doesn’t understand since she is teaching it online. She doesn’t explain it well online. she doesn’t use zoom. she uses blackboard in which it doesn’t help. she just does and example and then gives us an example to do, then she does c;ass discussion on it the next day. But what do we discuss? never got a good response.

8:20 P.M.

I’m so lost, what I got to do. Well its college if I dont know something I gotta find a way to learn about it in my own way. People always tell me this and so i believed it.

9:00 P.M.

Ate dinner, I know kind of late for dinner.

10:00 P.M.

worked out.

11:30 P.M.

took a shower, brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

March 26, 2020


I couldn’t sleep so I studied for a little.

1:00 A.M.

I got sleepy, so I went to sleep.


got up took a shower and brushed my teeth and cleaned my room. I was so sore that I didn’t want to wake up, but I knew that I had to. My math teacher said be on blackboard at 10:00 to start the discussion.


this was something that I didn’t understand and to be honest I’m good at math. What happen to my math skills lol. Did it go away or something. I was good in math when I was in high school.

11:30 A.M.-12:15 P.M.

Dam just took the exam. I passed though it feels good, but I wanted higher.

1:00 P.M.

My dad ask me to help him with his computer and to help him with setting  an account.




Diary Entry #2 Jordy

Shesh, this week has been rough on my side of the ball court. For some reason the internet was not working as well as it use too. I’ve tried to fix the internet and still didn’t want to work. So the only way to do some of my class work was to go my cousins house . I needed to go so  can finish my assignments. He didn’t mind me using his laptop, because his job told him that no one will work until further notice. Then a few days later my internet was back to normal. I dont know how it went back to normal, but hey Im not going to question it. As soon as I open my laptop my email blows up. I’ve notice that all my professor say that their is a final exam. They are worth so much to our grade. Somewhere around 30 to 40 percent. I’m like “dam”. I don’t like the idea.  I know that I’m not a good test taker. This is going to take a lot of studying and less free time for me.

How do you guys feel about the new changes your professor gave you? Or did you even have any changes? Let me know in the comments.

Blog 1 Jordy

Well I don’t feel scared about this virus as most people do, but I feel like people are just doing to much at this point. For insist, I saw someone today with a mask and gloves, and for each time he touched something in side the train, he would change the glove. To be honest I couldn’t believe it, but as soon as I left, I understood a bit. He didn’t want to spread it, as for me I wouldn’t do that. All I would do is go in the train car and just have my back on the door and that’s it. Not do all this extra stuff of buying masks and gloves changing them ever time. I just want all of my classmate to know that yes it can spread, yes you can be worried, but don’t act like this is the end of the world. For the one positive things I got from this whole virus is even though this virus is happening I like that I’m being more involved in what going around the world and my community. even though their doing this type of things. Lets not think about the virus too much and focus staying positive.