Please take some time (an hour or more, if needed) to explore this OpenLab course site. Use the top menu bar to explore the course information, activities, and help. Scroll through the sidebar to find additional information about how to reach me. The site is still under construction, but a lot is already in place. As the course progresses, you will be adding your own work to it. We will discuss later how this will be done. Meantime, what is so important is:

Join OpenLab!

Before you can join our specific course site, you will need to be a member of the OpenLab community so please, go to OpenLab’s main page and click SIGN UP. If you need help, follow these instructions to create an account.

Now, Join this course site!

THE fastest way to join this course is to look above, in the MENU of this site, and click on COURSE PROFILE. On the left-hand side of the screen, below the picture, you should see a button that says “JOIN THIS COURSE.” If you are still having trouble finding this, please follow these instructions.



If you need help on the OpenLab, you can consult OpenLab Help or contact the OpenLab Community Team.

Okay, I made a video…

Sometimes more information is just too much. However: last semester, I made screencast video with an overview to how to join OpenLab, get help, and post, etc. (You will notice that the site pictured in the video belongs to a different section of one of my English classes; aside from that, a lot of the other stuff is quite similar to ours, and maybe you will find it helpful.)