ENG 1121 D410 With Prof. Schmerler Spring 2024

What does it mean to be human, today?

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Last Chance for Gas/Second Chance Day

Hi Class, I have received a number of emails from you; I will attempt to be brief and convey my thoughts clearly:

We have only two more formal class periods. The rest of the semester is “finals” and we don’t have a final exam in this class.

I am willing to make tomorrow’s class “last chance day for Unit 3.” Maybe your Presentation was not as comprehensive as you would have liked — and you thought of something you would like to add; maybe you did not complete both of the “Library Pairs” and you want the link again and more time to complete them; maybe you didn’t even Present at all. 

Let me know tomorrow, during class. I am receptive to work being made up on a case-by-case basis. There will be grading penalties for lateness if you have not presented until now, but late is way better than not at all.


Hi Class, Thank you to the presenters today, and thank you to all who showed up for their fellow student. The people who presented were: Angie Ramirez, Justin Calvin, Perla Reyes & Geovaniah Bazile, Milenny Almanzar, Kelven Lin. Please fill out a survey form for each if you were in attendance.

Question: Do you want to request an extension on your Final Portfolio (which includes your Final Reflection)? If yes, then you must request that extension in writing. I will assume that you have read our SYLLABUS, specifically the parts about late work, my plagiarism policy, and my policy on the use of AI prior to requesting said extension via e-mail.

I will grant extensions on a case-by-case basis; if you want to be considered, then please know that this is the procedure. And I will expect said requests to arrive via email prior to end-of-day May 9.

Thank you.

Image of college students at end of semester, created by the Professor with AI, spring 2023.

Survey of Teaching: Link

Hi Class, Today, presenting, were:

Corey Spitzer, Abubakar Shabbir, Kelven Lin, Zhi Hao Wu Tang, Aidan Wu, and Gary Alvarracin. We didn’t have time during class to work on all of these.

Here is the link, again, to the Survey of Teaching. You can add a new entry if you wish. Remember, you, also, are getting evaluated for the quality of your responses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsYHRgzBgaL_qcRd9fxMWx2lF_9RZ0z_LLAOMlgPRQZ72YWA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Thanks for your time. Next class we have Perla and Geovaniah, Milenny, Angie, Hisham, and Justin Calvin.

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