Hi Class, Today, presenting, were:
Corey Spitzer, Abubakar Shabbir, Kelven Lin, Zhi Hao Wu Tang, Aidan Wu, and Gary Alvarracin. We didn’t have time during class to work on all of these.
Here is the link, again, to the Survey of Teaching. You can add a new entry if you wish. Remember, you, also, are getting evaluated for the quality of your responses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsYHRgzBgaL_qcRd9fxMWx2lF_9RZ0z_LLAOMlgPRQZ72YWA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Thanks for your time. Next class we have Perla and Geovaniah, Milenny, Angie, Hisham, and Justin Calvin.