Hi Class,

Our Librarian, Rachel, can’t come to our classroom tomorrow morning; instead, she wants us to meet her at the Library. So we will meet in the classroom first, take roll, etc., and then go to the Library together.

Rachel is really a great Librarian. I think she will be happy to adapt to what you want to discuss. I am going to put some of the main topics that I have gotten from you, below.

Basketball  (this is pretty broad)


U.S. Pirg (what is a “PIRG”/ what is “Frontier Group”?) exposing misinformation + social media

How music affects people

Is a college education necessary/the unimportance of college

I got most of these from Worksheets that were completed on time. I am not going to take any more late Worksheets, so, if you want to add more topics to ask her about, I welcome you to add them as a Comment to this post.