Hi Class, A quick noting of a couple of things before the weekend. If you did your homework on time, good for you! One request I have is that you please don’t upload your writing in PDF format. I really need you to submit your work as a new GoogleDoc in your Folder. Thanks.

Another note is to tell you what I’m looking for when I assign ICW’s and other similar reflections: I always like to see students respond to questions as them, in their own unique way, using examples from their own life or their own experiences and beliefs. Generic answers are not what I seek. I want to hear a student sound like who they truly are.

Over the weekend, please be sure to complete the activity I gave you about Discourse Communities. We have to make up for lost time, so I need you be fluent by Tuesday. Here is a direct link to that activity. I’ve marked in green to be clear what I want you to know, so that we can make faster progress when we meet. I’m going to give you your first Capstone Assignment soon. You will need to know this stuff.

I hope the long holiday weekend will find you happy and well rested. I know I need and am grateful for that time!

All best, -Prof. S.