Facing the music, writing the world

Your Attendance Activity for Finals Week awaits…

Hi Class. Below is a short activity for you to complete in order to get attendance credit for Finals Week (as we are not meeting at all in person this week).


Welcome to an OpenLab Project Site that I created last year, called “NTTR — No Time to Research.” LINK HERE.

I created it on my own in the spring, around the time that the AI chatbots dropped; that said, I had been thinking about these issues for a very long time.

Your mission is: to read it (it is not a large site!); pick at least one post on it; and react in writing with your thoughts and feelings and experiences about the issues I raise in that post. I would also really appreciate if you would add, in your comments, what you think about the Project Site as a whole, and give me suggestions for how to fix it, add to it, or just include any resources you may have found that I ought to know about.

You can do all this by responding in a COMMENT on this OpenLab post. BTW: you can make your COMMENT “private” if you wish.



  1. Junaid Shamraze

    The AI is so “Good”….

    I agree with you 100%. You are correct. We can use AI to a certain extent but we can’t start relying on AI in everything we do in our day to day life.

    NTTR is a good way to present your point of view, which you did greatly by adding refrences where needed to make your argument strong.

  2. Tianna Moronta

    the post I’m choosing on writing about is Okay, so how do we really truly help students?. I picked this post because it’s true we really don’t use the resources that we have. I know personally I don’t use the schools resources I normally use social medias like Tik Tok for research for like skin care products or anything in general that I’m looking for reviews on.

  3. Allifaj

    I chose to write about AI. In over a year, AI really has changed the digital landscape and how we perceive the internet. Some examples of AI begin with generative speech, which is already demonstrated by the linked Twitter post. Generative speech is continuing to improve and head in a direction that will later MATCH the voice of ANYONE. I’m in agreeance that the government needs to place restrictions and create parameters for AI before it crosses a point of no return. The public having access to AI that can consume the pitch, cadence, and tone of a voice to be later mimicked without permission creates unwanted fear of a lack of privacy.

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