Facing the music, writing the world

Month: April 2024 (Page 3 of 3)

Assignment: Lending Library Pairs — you reach out and read… and ask….

Here’s what you are doing for homework over the week-end (you are Learning From Each Other) and btw this should be fun or you aren’t doing it right. And also, please pardon if there are some loose parts in my assignment’s construction. I am seeking your self sufficiency here in teaching and learning and I am going to put you more and more in charge of your own destinies as the semester goes on. So make decisions that seem right to you. And let me know how I can help. -ss

Steps as follows:

Look in the Lending Library Folder

Consult the Spreadsheet

  1. Look for someone’s shelf that sounds interesting to you

            a. Read/watch/etc one source on their shelf 

           b. Find the person via email, phone, text, whatever you like. (You hopefully already got their info in the classroom. However, I would also like you all to put your email/contact info on the Spreadsheet — there is a new column at the end. That way, everyone can find each other easily. Thanks.) If you want my opinion, the best way to complete this part of the assignment is to talk to them on Zoom. That way, you can talk in real time, which would be ideal. You could even reach out to them FIRST, and ask THEM to suggest what source you should watch/read/etc.

           d. Talk to them. (Remember how we talked in class today?) Tell them what you think, what stood out to you. Rephrase back to them what you understand. See if you and your lending partner can arrive at interesting connections and overlaps and concepts. For instance, after talking, maybe they will borrow something from YOU.  Oh, and one more thing: Try to ask them three good questions. I will explain this later. See where it takes you right now.

            e. Take notes. On what? On what they said, on what you said, on what you think about it all, on what you did or didn’t know or learned…

When you return to class next week, you will be asked to fill out a report, both verbal and written, on what you got out of this lending activity.

I welcome all questions, all request for clarification. Just write to me. You can also feel free to Comment on this post. This is part of a larger activity and this activity is worth 2.5 points.

BTW: Can you guess what Part II of this assignment is going to be? You don’t have to do it this week-end, but it is coming up : )

  1. Find someone’s shelf that sound totally divergent from anything that you would ever care about

(and repeat all of the steps, above)

Below is a photo of the lending pairs / groups / as I have them now:

And this is a photo of the connections we drew today — at least, their remnants, on the blackboard. A work of art in its own right. : )

Our new Folder and the Spreadsheet

Hi Class,

As we discussed today, I have created a new Folder that is a Hive Library. The link is above in the menu (LENDING LIBRARY)^^, and you can also access it directly here.

Two things you are requested to do by Tuesday night at the latest: 1) create a copy of your Shelf Portrait and put it in the LENDING LIBRARY folder. 2) fill out the spreadsheet that is already in the folder.

I hope you found the work of Fred Wilson that we discussed today interesting.


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