Facing the music, writing the world

Month: February 2024 (Page 1 of 7)

Announcements WEEK 6

Hi Class, please don’t forget that I hold Office Hours on Tuesdays from 1:00–2:00PM. Since you have a major assignment due that day, you may have some last-minute questions or concerns. If I don’t get to you right away, it is because I may be working with another student.  Here are the links to join the Office Hours on Zoom.

Today we began to look at the work of artist Martin Wilner, and I told you about a new prompt for writing while in transit. I am calling this “Inner/Outer Dialogues.” I’d like you try this on your own and bring at least one example in for next class on Wednesday. (During your five-minute writing time at the beginning of class you can work on it as well.) Later this week you will hand these in. Once we hear some of your examples, we can discuss format in more detail.

And finally, I created your WEEK 6 Assignment Folder. In it, you will find the “Inner/Outer Dialogues” assignment which will be due Feb 29.

detail of one of Martin Wilner’s subway notebooks called “Journal of Evidence Weekly”

detail of one of Martin Wilner’s subway notebooks called “Journal of Evidence Weekly”

detail of one of Martin Wilner’s subway notebooks called “Journal of Evidence Weekly”

Announcement, Feb 20

Hi Class,

I have just created your WEEK 6 Assignment Folder; in it you will find your first Capstone Assignment. Check it out so that we can discuss it tomorrow!

I am wondering why so few people did the What’s In A Name assignment (it would have prepared you for the assignment above). I am also hoping that by now, you have read up and or watched about Discourse Communities (which also would help you with the above), so that we can continue to explore them in class on Wednesday.

Both of those activities were in your WEEK 5 Folder.

P.S. I am not taking any late homework after Thursday.


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