Communicating with Mind and Soul

Emoji Poetry

Movies that people love are often silly

Comedies that take place in a tropical island like Jumanji

Where they have to fight animals while making Jokes

A perfect balance

But for people like me money runs out kind of fast

You sometimes have to eat small portions like a mouse

Sometimes if you save enough you get to go to your favorite chicken spot

Who doesn’t like that

Or you can go to a place you never been before

and eat something you never had whole watching the star

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    OMG, Isaiah, a favorite chicken spot: who *doesn’t* like that!!
    : – )))))))
    at “But for me” the whole narrative turned inward and sent me on a journey.
    The Jumanji reference was so On.
    The double “sometimes” WORKS
    and the rhythm at the end is stellar.
    (So far, I have been commenting on OpenLab with emojis. Alas, I don’t think that they are working. I am gonna stop and we will discuss this further in class.) My question to you is: what poets (music lyrics count) do you read or like? I ask, because I hear you listening here.
    Nice work.

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