Due: Wednesday, 12/14, 11:59 pm (Late work will not be accepted!!)

Work will be submitted as a single .pdf or .doc file by email to jscales@citytech.cuny.edu

Portfolio Description

Your final portfolio will be submitted as a single document (see below for how to format and organize your document), but will contain two parts: a Reflection Essay, and your Final Revisions for Units 1, 2, and 3. 

Part 1: Reflection Essay 

You will write a final reflection essay (600-650 words) that responds to the three prompts below. Your reflection should be thoughtfully written as an essay and should have an overall point — you are not simply listing your responses to these questions!

Prompts your reflection should address:

  1. What have you learned about yourself as a reader and writer this semester? How have you changed or developed, and how might you transfer what you’ve learned to other writing tasks, assignments or situations, either in college or in your community?
  2. Give quotes from each of your Units 1, 2, and 3 as examples of your writing. Discuss why you’ve chosen those examples and what they show about you as a writer and / or reader.
  3. Discuss one or more of the revisions you did for Units 1, 2, or 3. Explain why you made the changes you did, and what you learned about yourself as a reader, writer, and thinker through that process.

Part 2: Final Revisions 

You will revise your Units 1, 2, and 3 based on the feedback you’ve received over the semester, and submit the final versions in your portfolio.

Because you have had time to work on and revise the essays, I will be grading them differently than the drafts. This means that you should make at least some changes for your revision. If you re-submit an exact copy, your grade will automatically be lower than what you received on the draft.

Format / Organization

Your portfolio will be submitted as a single document, in a .pdf or .doc format. Everything will be combined, saved, and emailed to me before midnight on Weds, 12/14. Late work will not be accepted!!

Your portfolio must include the following in the order listed below:

  1. Cover page
  2. Table of Contents 
  3. Reflection Essay (600-650 words)
  4. Unit 1 Revision
  5. Unit 2 Revision
  6. Unit 3 Revision

Grading Criteria

Your reflection…

  • is thoughtfully written and has a point– it’s not simply a list answering the prompts.
  • uses language, grammar, and sentence structure that makes your meaning clear.
  • includes details and examples from your own writing that illustrate your experiences in the course.
  • has been proofread.
  • is approximately 600-650 words
  • is submitted on time

Your revisions…

  • demonstrate thoughtful writing and show effort in revision from the earlier version.
  • use language, grammar, and sentence structure that makes your meaning clear.
  • have been carefully proofread.
  • respond carefully to the prompts and expectations for each assignment.
  • are submitted on time.
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