Monday, 10/17

To Do Before Class

  1. Download or create an MLA template document and save it to your device or Google drive. Keep this for any future assignments!
    (See here for help on setting up an MLA doc in Google docs. See here for help on setting up an MLA doc in Microsoft Word.)
  2. Read β€œA Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin. Choose three paragraphs and make a reverse outline for them. Bring this to class on Monday, 10/17; it can be typed or handwritten.
    (Review β€œWhat’s a Paragraph?” by Carrie Hall for help on understanding how to create a reverse outline.)
  3. Using your topic list above, start researching your topic(s) of choice, and be prepared to share something you learned with the class on Monday, 10/17.
    As you go, you should find yourself narrowing your topic down, or maybe even switching topics if the first one doesn’t seem interesting. For now, I will not put any limits on the type or sources β€” just follow your curiosity and use whatever research method you’re comfortable with. Just use your best judgement, and take lots of notes! We will discuss the research process more in-depth next week.

Wednesday, 10/19

To Do Before Class

  • Start researching your topic(s) of choice, and be prepared to share something you learned with the class.

    As you go, you should find yourself narrowing your topic down, or maybe even switching topics if the first one doesn’t seem interesting. For now, I will not put any limits on the type or sources β€” just follow your curiosity and use whatever research method you’re comfortable with. Just use your best judgement, and take lots of notes! We will discuss the research process more in-depth next week.