Word Count: 1,000 +

Rough Draft Due: Wednesday, 10/5, 11:59 pm (midnight)

Final Draft Due: Wednesday, 12/14, 12 pm

Work will be submitted by email to jscales@citytech.cuny.edu


In discussing the education narrative genre, we will explore works by Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, Anita Jang, Audre Lorde, and Plato. In these pieces, the writers discuss how certain experiences have shaped their understanding of the world and/or their educational journeys. For this assignment, you will write an education narrative of your own that tells a story about an important educational moment in your life. 

You might tell the story of a personal experience that changed how you approached the learning process and/or shifted how you felt about your education; you might tell the story of a valuable moment that shaped your interest in your chosen field; you might tell the story about a moment when you β€œwoke up” in some way and changed a central belief, value, or idea you felt certain about for a long time; OR you might think of another type of story to tell about an educational moment. Whatever you choose, just be sure that it is meaningful to you!


You will have some flexibility in how you format your narrative. This might include:

  • A first-person autobiography
  • A 5-paragraph persuasive essay
  • A script for a TED Talk
  • A short play
  • An op-ed piece
  • Illustration(s), with descriptions

Note: no matter what format you choose, you still need to meet the 1,000 word minimum!

Here are the grading criteria for this project:

Your narrative…

  • focuses on either one event or on a series of connected events.
  • uses concrete and specific details to create a picture for your reader.
  • has an overall point.
  • reflects thoughtfully on the events discussed.
  • uses carefully chosen words, transitions, and is organized in a manner that makes your meaning clear.
  • uses tone, language, grammar, and sentence structure appropriate for your genre, audience, and purpose.
  • has been carefully proofread.
  • meets the required word count: at least 1000 words!
  • has been submitted on time.
  • is typed (12 pt. font, double-spaced).