Class Info
- Date: 9/23-9/29
- Meeting Info: All of our meetings will be asynchronous, meaning you will do your work throughout the week on your own time. Our weeks will begin on Wednesdays. Work will be due on Wednesdays and at other points during the week as noted in the weekly agenda, usually with Monday morning as a deadline to join a discussion so we all have time to respond to each other. Optional synchronous meetings will be available, as well as office hours, which are opportunities to meet synchronously with me individually or in a small group. If time permits, I will visit your ARCH 1101 meeting to use a portion for ENG 1101.
- This week, I will visit you in ARCH 1101āsee you there on Wednesday.
- This week, I will also hold an optional writing lab session, Thursday, 9/24, 10:20am-11:20am. Zoom link to follow via email.
To-Do Before Class
For the start of Week 5, be sure to have completed the work assigned in the ENG 1101 Week 4 Agenda, most importantly:
- office hours survey
- read ENG 1101 Project #1 assignment instructions
- Complete readings (Plato, Lamott, Smyth’s video)
- participate in online discussions
- Begin drafting Project #1 by answering 3-5 questions from the Project #1 assignment instructions, or questions you want to add to the assignment
- freewrite on your own in your notebook, either just following where your mind takes you or a guided freewrite about something you encountered in this course or in life this week.
ENG 1101 Project #1: Education Narrative
- To consider and discuss aspects of education and educational experiences through the lens of writing
- To continue drafting education narratives
- To provide interactive peer review to support classmates’ further development of Project #1
- To submit Project #1 and Project #1 Reflection (instructions below)
To-Do This Week
This week, as we work toward submitting Project #1, I’m going to assign incremental deadlines throughout the week so we can work together and submit Project #1 on Wednesday.
- Review the instructions for ENG 1101 Project #1: Education Narrative
- Participate, if you are available, in the optional writing lab on Thursday, 9/24, 10:20am-11:20am
- work on your draft of Project #1 and support your peer review partner
- reach out to me with any questions. If it’s not a private matter, consider using the ENG 1101 Q&A area.
- If you haven’t already read the assigned readings for this course, please do–they’re good models or guides for this project.
- Read as many Project #1 posts as you can–these will give you a good idea of the range of topics and approaches.
- Read your peer review partner’s post, or if they haven’t made one yet, anything they can share with you from the drafting process–a list, a brainstorm, a sketch, etc.
- Re-read your draft–even if you think you know it!
- Read the feedback from your peer review partner, comments I share, and comments from anyone else.
Keep freewriting! 10 minutes. 10 minutes again. Write about whatās on your mind, or focus on the topic of your educationāor about writing about education, whatever works for you. Or something in the news, in your life, in your alternate reality. Write.
You’re also going to be doing three different kinds of writing toward Project #1: drafting/revising, offering peer review, and writing your reflection:
- If you haven’t written a post answering 3-5 of our Project #1 questions, please post that now.
- If there’s anything you want to answer still, you can add another post, or edit your post with new content.
- By Friday, 9/25, add a comment or multiple comments to your peer review partner’s post containing their 3-5 questions and answers. In your comments,
- note things you really liked, that got you thinking, that you wanted to know more about. Also point out places where you want to ask questions either about what theyāre saying or what else you would like to know. Write three to four specific comments about your partnerās work on the shared document. Here are some sample phrases to help you get started:
- When you saidā¦ this really caught my attention because ā¦
- Your piece got me thinking aboutā¦
- I got confused here when you saidā¦ becauseā¦
- I wanted to know more aboutā¦becauseā¦
- In addition to specific comments, leave an overall comment for your partner. Throughout your comments, refer to specific lines in their writing by quoting it and putting it in your own words (you can write “In other words…”). Some helpful resources for either quoting or citing: the Purdue OWL (OWL=Online Writing Lab); the City Tech Writing Center (email and someone will contact you).
- Here are the pairings: @andrejchen and @alvinkalicharan; @kevinarch and @zafarjon; @jaydaa and @siniaboseman; @citytechluka2002 and @josebocio6; @johnnyx and @azumba; @nisaelg and @stanley3858; @shantal and @stacyamaya; and a trio (you can triangulate your work–ask me what I mean!), @donglin216, @joss18, and @juandelgado. If you can’t find your partner’s work, they probably haven’t posted it yet! I encourage you to reach out to each other to discuss your work, encourage each other, and report back to each other.
- By Monday, 9/28*, in a new post (category=ENG 1101 Project #1 posts), using the feedback you’ve gotten from your peer reviewer, classmates, and me, start turning your answers into your narrative. Some questions and answers might get cut. That’s ok–remember what Anne Lamott said about shitty first drafts! Think about what your purpose is. Maybe it’s one of these:
- a success story
- a cautionary tale
- a tracing of a multipart journey
- a call to action
- something less than a call to action, but that identifies a larger issue.
- *oops, Monday is a holiday, and no classes are in session. Let’s say Tuesday, 9/29, by noon.
- Keep working on this draft. Aim to grow it to 1000 words, without padding or unnecessary repetition, by Wednesday, 9/30. Give it a title, and choose the category ENG 1101 Project #1 posts. If you’re not comfortable sharing your work publicly, please reach out to me and we can come up with a solution!
- We’re working in a Portfolio system this semester, which means that each of you will gather your writing together, reflect on it, and revise it as needed for the end of the semester. For each project, you will bundle your work and reflection in anticipation of the final portfolio and reflection. To submit Project #1 for my review, add a new post on Wednesday, 9/30, that you make private (see #7 in these instructions), that includes:
- links to each of your earlier drafts
- any freewriting, brainstorming, sketching, etc, that you want to share. This can include photos of your hand-written or hand-drawn work.
- what did you learn about yourself as a student? as a learner? as a writer? as a reviser, as a collaborator (eg, peer reviewer, suggesting questions for Project #1, responding to classmates in the discussions)?
- what do you want to do with your narrative (part or all of it)? (eg, use it on your ePortfolio, as a personal statement for an application, as something you circulate on social media to get attention for issues you raise in your narrative, something you share with your family or community as a way to connect, share history, etc)
- what do you want help with as you revise it for your final portfolio?
- what can I do to help you achieve your goals and mine for Project #1?
- is there anything else I should know about?
Remember you can always ask questions, either in response to this agenda, in the ENG 1101 Q&A area (as a post with the category ENG 1101 Q&A, or as a comment on the Q&A post/pages that I already added there), or by emailing me at jrrosen @ (remember to delete those spaces if you want to send me an email).
I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve read so far of your drafts, and I look forward to seeing your ideas come together into Project #1!
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