Hey guys below are my notes I took in my iPhone during our class today if you have any questions feel free to comment or message me !!


1st floor Low desk reference desk is for help
1 librarian for help
Circulation desk borrow books using city text ID can take books and use reserved books for up to 2 hours
2nd floor
Computer room
Learned to do research and made a project
In speech citation -source, -date and it tells then credible and current
We got envelopes with paper slips that we had to order chronologically
Process of peer review goes from writer to publisher to specialist and then either is passed , revised or rejected
Topic for research project Brooklyn Waterfront
How to search
– .com for profit
-.org non profit
-.edu education
– .gov government website
Not the best source for information
Always being edited and check sources
Books and ebooks
Search library catalog
Click book title if its a physical book you have to find it if ebook you read it on the computer
Look at location And call number
How to deliver books click search In blue them select your college on orange click request but make sure your ID is activated lets you order books to read article click on link that says full text and as a tip it is good to email articles to your self
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One Response to

  1. Thanks for these notes. Could you now write them as a paragraph? Thank you!

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