My name is Talal Azad and the above photo best captures my passion, philosophy and vision of me currently as well as in the near future. In the photo you can read the words “The Greatest” in bold which thus describe the men in the photo. Furthermore for those of you who may not be familiar with them, the man in the further back is Michael Jordan and the man beside him is Muhammad Ali. Both of these athletes are recognized as evidently the greatest of all time in there sports, for Ali it was boxing and Jordan it was basketball. One of the reasons why I chose this photo is because I felt it directly correlated with me because I love both sports and have played basketball for various teams since the age 12 and also for the past 3 years have acquired boxing. In order to clear any questions that anyone could have I do not in any way consider myself to be the greatest of all time in anything like these men. The foremost reason why I chose this picture to describe me is because I strive to be a greater person than I was the day before. Furthermore these athletes represent, through hard work and determination you can be great and I feel as if that is my greatest asset I am a hard worker, in adding to this Michael Jordan once said “ I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can`t accept not trying.” This quote inspires me because looking back I realized I became successful in everything I worked hard at and further it helps me to realize this is the mindset I should in approaching future goals I have and could have. I felt this photo best captures my life philosophy, passion and vision of my future.

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