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Joanna Gordon ENG2575 E292 – Comments on Presentation on March 26th 2019

Mohammed – Google (Stadia)

You mentioned “No loading time, 5 secs to load game” – i think this all depends on how the cable&internet companies services react if you have the proper “plan” to provide for this gaming.  It can also be beneficial to the internet companies to sell a higher quality internet so everyone can be involved in the new “IN THING” its also interesting how PS and XBox controllers can both work.

Felix Ubiera, ENG2575-E292, Comments on presentations done on March 19th, 2019

Matt’s Presentation:

Cryptocurrency is going to be the ultimate currency in the future. People are reluctant to invest in it but that is why we need to understand the cues that big companies are giving us. For example, Facebook is doing its own cryptocurrency is not something they do because they like, it is because they know that there is where the money is going to be. Big companies stay big because they have a vision. Not only facebook but Telegram, Alibaba, Walt Disney, Ford motor, Amazon, etc. They all are making their own cryptocurrencies. So, it is interesting to see where the world is going.

Question: Have you invested in cryptocurrency?

Afraz’s Presentation:

Very interesting how posture can affect the mood, and how it is proved that depression is positive correlated to it. However, I disagree with a phone being the only problem because most of the things that we do require bending our head. For example, cooking, dancing, reading a book.

Very good clarification from Afraz when he said that is the constant use of our phone, where we need to bend our head, the problem.

Ahmed’s Presentation:

I find interesting how artificial intelligence is taking little by little of the medical industry. And it is amazing how good use people are putting to it as to help the needy. It shocking the amount of doctor per million of citizen they have which is 11. However, AI technology is not perfect. If the patient cataracts they will probably need a doctor.

My question is: If they manage to implement AI, out all the people that get screened, how are they going to be treated? I mean, they can only screen people but if many test positive, how are they going to treat them?

3/19/19 Oral Presentation

Matthew: Crypto currency

Great topic specially for future generations that will be facing it. Very useful information that wakes interest into looking for a different way of capital investment. Overall great presentation.

Afraz: Smartphone Posture

Very true information, but in the end every human being is deciding how to spare their time doing things like using their phones more than using their free time for a social face to face thing.

Shah: India Fights Diabetic Blindness with Help from A.I

Interesting topic in A.I, thanks to the developments of technology diseases can be over watch from anywhere in the world. Great topic in the technology field.


Comments on presentations held on 03/19/2019

Presentation 1: Matt

Very informative. Do you think that the crypto-currency will completely take over in  the future?

Presentation 2: Azhar:

Very interesting to learn about how the use of cell phones affect not only our physical form but mood as well.

Presentation 3: Sha

Very knowledgeable about the subject. Learned more about the situation in India.

Joanna Gordon ENG2575 E292, Comments on Presentations 3/19/2019

Presentation 1-Matt -Crypto-Currency. This presentation was very well delivered. It’s not like he was reading off the slide. and it can be seen he knows his material. I did not know that Whatsapp was on t he same back bone as Face book, but thanks for that.

Presentation 2-  Affraz Allie – inattention blindness, I now understand why the professor doesn’t not allow phones in the classroom

Presentation 3 – Ahamed- A.I.- You mentioned that when an individual is screened,and can be operated on as soon as diagnosis is done but doesn’t that need doctors to operate on them still?  Won’t there still be a lack of doctors?