Monthly Archives: April 2012


Sonnet Comes from the word “Sonnetto” which means “little song” in Italian. There are two types of sonnets Italian sonnet and English sonnet.In the Italian sonnets or “Petrarchan” there are Two parts, the octave which is composed of eight lines and … Continue reading

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Theology (Epigram)

The poem Theology by Paul Laurence Dunbar is an epigram which is a brief poem there are bits of compressed irony, satire and paradox. The idea of the poem Theology is about the idea of there being a heaven and a … Continue reading

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Lonely Hearts by Wendy Cope

The poem “Lonely Hearts” by Wendy Cope is a villanelle, which is a poetic form that lends itself to expounding on the theme of the poem. It’s used for high emotional context. The poem “Lonely Hearts” gives the impression of … Continue reading

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An Italian sonnet – “Chaos” by Edna St. Vincent Mallay

Mallay’s poem Chaos has 14 lines that are divided into 2 rhyme schemes. The first 8 lines or (octave) follow the abbaabba rhyme scheme and the last six lines (setet) simply follow cdcdcd rhyme scheme. The form of the poem … Continue reading

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The World Is Too Much with Us

  William Wordsworth’s poem, “The World Is Too Much with Us” is a poem that surrounds the theme of nature.  The tone of the poem is that of anger as the speaker displays his discontent towards the modernization of the … Continue reading

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The definition of elegy is a mournful, contemplative lyric poem written to commemorate someone who is dead, often ending in a consolation. Elegy may also refer to serious meditative poem produced to express the speaker’s melancholy thoughts. The poem “Elegy … Continue reading

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