Course Policies

Course Policies

Classroom policies: Please be respectful of anyone in our classroom or our blog community, present, punctual, prepared, alert, and free of distractions such as cell phones, headphones, food, or other courses’ materials that will negatively affect your participation and your classmates’ ability to focus. Although we will occasionally use cell phones in class to access information, neither reading nor writing text messages is permitted in this class.

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory in this discussion-based course. Arriving late or leaving early or for lengthy amounts of time will count as a partial absence. City Tech’s policy states that two or more absences from this once-per-week course will result in a WU grade. I will not grant excused absences since you are permitted two absences without penalty. Absence is not an excuse for missing or late work; you must get class notes from classmates and keep up with your reading and written work. Furthermore, in-class quizzes, assignments, and exams cannot be made up.

Participation: To meet our course goals, participation in each class is essential. For each class, you must come prepared, bring any required books or materials, avoid distractions, and contribute to the day’s activity. Your physical presence is not enough! If you do not contribute to the discussion, workshop, or group activity, I will assume you are unprepared. Please be respectful of other viewpoints or opinions as you participate in class and on the course blog.

Writing: You will write in class, on the blog, and privately at home. You should write notes when you listen in class, when you read, and when you plan your essays or blog posts. There will be appropriate due dates for finished copies of formal assignments, but you will be responsible for pacing your work and completing drafts. Assignments are due by the beginning of class unless otherwise noted; absence is not an excuse for missing or late work. Although informal writing will not be graded per se, it will contribute to your essay assignments, and will count toward your in-class writing and quiz grade. These pieces of informal writing must be kept in your folder, since we will return to texts, themes, and ideas throughout the semester. Late assignments will be marked down significantly. If you believe you have a legitimate reason for requesting an extension, do so at least 24 hours before the due date.

Reading: Before each class, you will complete the reading assignment according to the schedule below. As you read, you will need to take notes both in the book and in your notebook, look up any words you do not know, and consider what about the reading you want to discuss in class and on the blog. Reading quizzes will help me see that you are completing the reading assignments.

Course site: In addition to our meetings in the classroom, we will have a virtual community on City Tech’s OpenLab ( Students will write blog posts each week by Sunday night and comment on at least two others’ posts by Wednesday at 3:00, in addition to other assignments on the blog. Students will also use a discussion forum, draft collaborative documents, and upload files for submission. These activities will help shape our classroom discussions.

Support: Please do not hesitate to speak with me during my office hours or by appointment—this is one of the most direct and effective ways to improve your work or to seek advice! If you cannot meet with me during my office hours, please make an appointment. There are many other avenues of support at City Tech, including the Ursula C. Schwerin Library, the Atrium Learning Center, the Academic Advisement Center, and the Counseling Service Center. Students with disabilities should consult with the Student Support Services Program for documentation and support, and should speak with me privately to coordinate appropriate accommodations.

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