Final Quote Cisneros

“The first time she had been so surprised she didn’t cry out or try to defend herself. She had always said she would strike back if a man, any man, were to strike her.

But when the moment came, and he slapped her once, and then again, and again; until the lip split and bled an orchid of blood, she didn’t fight back, she didn’t break into tears, she didn’t run away as she imagined she might when she saw such things in telenovelas.”

  1. identify the title of the text, Women Hollering Creek
  2. identify the author, Sandra Cisneros
  3. identify the speaker/thinker of the passage, Cleofilas
  4.  Cleofilas is shocked that her husband hit her the first time, however after a while I assume she got more and more used to it and she sunk deeper into reality and realized how her life is nothing like the telenovelas. She didn’t break into tears or run away like they do in television. the reality of it is much darker than she imagined.
  5. The argument that the text as a whole is making is that Cleofilas life is nothing like how she was raised or what she imagined it to be and that is very unfortunate. However, she can control it just by her own actions if she wanted and she did by ultimately leaving her husband and going back to Mexico. All those hours of watching telenovelas only helped her escape to a dream world and by leaving with Felice in the end she was able to escape in the real world.
  6. In the Yellow Wallpaper, the narrator was trying to escape from reality as well throughout the text, by the end she was finally able to break free by tearing apart the yellow wallpaper in her room but in a way she was also breaking free from her husband by going insane.

Final review quote

“When I was nineteen, pureness was the great issue. Instead of the world being divided up into Catholics and Protestants or Republicans and Democrats or white men and black men or even men and women, I saw the world divided into people who had slept with somebody and people who hadn’t, and this seemed the only really significant difference between one person and another. I thought a spectacular change would come over me the day I crossed the boundary line.”

1. The Bell Jar

2. Sylvia Plath

3. Esther who is the protagonist and narrator

4.This quote shows that Esther live in a world of limited sexual choices. Convention dictates that she will remain a virgin until she marries. If she chooses to have sex before marriage, she risks pregnancy, displeasing her future husband, and ruining her own name.

5.Esther looses her virginity with someone she does not expect to marry. regardless of this firm goal, she finds it difficult to gain an independent sexual identity.


Final Exam quotes

“That’s one of the reasons I never wanted to get married. The last thing I wanted was infinite security and to be the place an arrow shoots off from. I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.”

1) The Bell Jar

2) Sylvia Plath

3) Esther

4) This passage is showing us that Ester did not find the idea of marriage comforting at all. She just wanted an exciting life and didn’t see it with anyone. I actually don’t think that she ever liked the idea of marriage throughout the novel. I feel like everyone around her made her feel that marriage was always like this. Of course it was during a different time period, but I still don’t think that every guy would have been the same. I felt like Esther felt like she was forced to get married one day and for that reason did not enjoy the idea.

5) I think that this text is showing us that Esther doesn’t like anything that she is supposed to do I the future. I think she just wants to live her life with no rules. Women in that point in time were supposed to get married and I honestly think that thinking about anything that she was “supposed” to do stressed her out. I think they included this in the texts because usually a girl from that time would be very excited about being a future wife. I think this passage was showing us that Esther is not like the rest.

6) The fact that Esther is stressed out about being forced to do things because of society’s expectations reminds me of the main character from The Yellow Wallpaper because they both seem so scared about the future. I feel like they are scared about nothing because they don’t have to do anything that they don’t want to do, but they don’t know this. The main character in The Yellow Wallpaper always thought she was being watched, when she wasn’t. I just think they go together because they are both just being paranoid.

Final exam Quotations

“Who would’ve? Pain or rage, perhaps, but not a hoot like the one Felice had just let go. Makes you want to holler like Tarzan, Felice had said. Then Felice began laughing again, but it wasn’t Felice laughing. It was gurgling out if her own throat, a long ribbon of laughter, like water”
Title: women Hollering creek
Author: Sandra Cisneros

Felice and Cleofilas were in the car, driving away from Cleofilas husband. They were both fill with happiness to know that she is free from domestic violence. This was the moment they crossed “the arroyo”.

This statement relates to the extreme story as a whole because this is the moment CIeofilas was waiting for the moment her husband places his hands on her. This moment in the passage symbolize freedom and women empowering herself. In the story Cleofilas was constantly beaten by her husband. She had no where to run too until Felice rescued her.

This statement remains me of “The yellow Wallpaper. In the end of the story, Johns wife crawled over his body as he laid flat on the floor shocked that his wife free. This same sense of freedom is also shown in “Women Hollering creek”. Both women were controlled by their husbands and finally found a way out. In “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Johns wife was confined in a nursery and in “Women hollering creek”, Cleofilas couldn’t go nowhere without the help of her husband.


“Therefore we must fearlessly pull out of ourselves and look at and identify with our lives the living creativity some of our great grandmothers were not allowed to know. I stress some of them because it is well known that the majority of our great grandmothers knew, even without “knowing it”, the reality of their spirituality, even if they didn’t recognize it beyond what happened in the singing at church and they never had any intention of giving it up”

Title: In search of our mothers gardens

Author: Alice Walker
This statement from the story is explaining how most black women are afraid of creating the world of creativity. This is explaining that our great grand parents didn’t have the opportunity to do what we are capable of doing because they were not allowed to do so. Our grandmother knew the talents they had.

This statement related to the story as a whole because the story talks about our ancestors inability to feed their creative nature. They were too busy working and didn’t have free time to unravel anything stuck in their minds. We have the ability to do what our ancestors were unable to do but as stated in the text to be an artist and a black women lowers your status ins many aspects rather than raise it.
This statement remains me “Professions for women” by Virginia Woolf. In the story it speaks about bridges that women have to burn that to work in a field that love. Women are viewed in a different way if they write about certain things. So they battle with the angelic identity that society have created versus the real them. “In search of my mothers garden” also relates to this issue because most women are afraid to be creative because of what society would say.

Final Exam drafting


Instructions for the final exam:

  1. identify the title of the text,
  2. identify the author,
  3. identify the speaker/thinker of the passage
  4. Then, in one paragraph, interpret and analyze the passage, calling attention to specific details and words in the passage.
  5. in another paragraph, apply your analysis of the passage to the argument the text as a whole is making.
  6. in another paragraph, compare how a moment/scene/event in another text deals with a similar issue or theme you identified in the argument. Be as specific as possible, including details and paraphrasing that moment since you cannot provide the passage itself.

Like our midterm exam, the final exam will be made collaboratively. Reply to this post with what you think are the most representative passages that you and your classmates will want to write about for the final exam BY END OF DAY TUESDAY. Keep in mind that you just chose a passage for your video presentation–you might post that as your choice for the final exam.

To be determined–so add your thoughts to your comment:

# of quotations on the exam

# of identifications to be completed:

# required for texts read since the midterm:

# required for texts read before the midterm:

should there be any extra credit?