
Shawl- noun

a square, triangular, or oblong piece of wool or other material worn,especially by women, about the shoulders, or the head and shoulders,in place of a coat or hat outdoors, and indoors as protection againstchill or dampness.

The shawl by Ozick

“She looked into Magda’s face through a gap in the shawl: a squirrel in a nest, safe, no one could reach her inside the little house of the shawl’s windings”.

object of as an important object, both physically and symbolically




nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis)


completely; right.


“Nothing could have been less sheer than my stockings”.

sheer was used as a type of sheer fabric

Sheer was



elaborate in structure or decoration.

feel a desire or liking for.

a feeling of liking or attraction, typically one that is superficial or transient.

the yellow walpaper

“I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus—but John says the very worst thing I can do is to think about my condition, and I confess it always makes me feel bad”

the word fancy is used as a feeling about herself.


Cadaver- Noun

A corpse, a dead human body.

The Bell Jar students train by using cadavers.

Used in a Sentence

After Buddy showed her the Rosenberg’s cadaver, Esther could not get the picture out of her head.

It was like the first time I saw a cadaver. For weeks afterward, the cadaver’s head — or what there was left of it — floated up behind my eggs and bacon at breakfast and behind the face of Buddy Willard, who was responsible for my seeing it in the first place, and pretty soon I felt as though I were carrying that cadaver’s head around with me on a string, like some black, noseless balloon stinking of vinegar.


Pad- noun

a thick piece of soft material used to reduce friction or jarring, enlarge or change the shape of something, or hold or absorb liquid.

A Short Essay on Being

a cool pad, a “budget” pad. You could also pad something, as in stuff it with cotton, or you could have a bra with built-in or removable pads: a padded bra. Pad is all of these, but seven years ago, I learned that it is a type of Thai noodle dish: pad Thai, it’s called. One weekend, I was going to visit a friend from graduate school in Austin. I told her that I would visit and make her pot Thai. She told me, “It’s pad Thai.”

Jenny Boully used the word pad in different ways. the meaning of pad have different meaning in the way you express it. it could be use as a material or as thai food in this passage

Women Hollering creek

In the short story “women Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros, Cleofilas who marries Juan Pedro. She leaves behind his father and six brothers who looked over her for an unknown future for her. She feels trapped in an abusive marriage She finds out that life does not work like the telenovelas she watched at home. Cleofilas looks back to the days before she is married and remembers how happy she was. She got married and moved to Seguin, Texas, She think you have to suffer for love to be good. She knows from watching her telenovelas, but life will not always be easy but things will work out. Soon her husband begins to beat her and she realizes that her life is not a dream life. Her marriage did not contained positive scene from the telenovelas but just the negative side. She goes to the doctor and they notice her bruises from an abusive relationship and arrange for her escape back home.


Scarifying (verb)

Definition: to make scratches or superficial incisions in (the skin, a wound, etc.), as in vaccination or to break up (a road surface).


Found in: “Quicksand” by Nella Larsen

“… ugly scarifying quarrels which even at this far-off time caused an uncontrollable shudder, her own childish self-effacement, the savage unkindness of her stepbrothers and sisters, and the jealous, malicious hatred of her mother’s husband.”

By reading the definition and the passage the word Scarifying is used like breaking out for her mellow mood into a savage