
If I had to write a manifesto as Mina Loy did I would write about how woman are taking over in the corporate world.

For decades the head position of most major big buisnesses were run by men. It has only been seen in recent years that woman are gaining positions of power in large companies. Woman have not had big roles in leading major businesses because the standard for a woman is to be a stay at home mother. It is normal for a woman to stay home and take care of the “woman tasks” as the man goes out to work and make all the money for his family. A “woman task” is anything domestic that has a reputation of being a woman’s job, for example cleaning the house is a woman’s job that fits the stereotype.

I would write my manifesto to encourage more woman to get out there in the working field. In 2014 we have come a long way from the woman staying at home with the children, but I still believe we have a long way to come. We need to make a larger movement to make a point that woman are here in the corporate world, were here to stay, and we are here to lead the company.

A woman and a man think different and I believe a lot of male run businesses could use a female input that they may not even know about. I would write this manifesto to stress the fact that woman can’t sit back, we have to take charge and strive for what we want. The normal gender roles for male and female have begun to be broken and we have to continue with this pattern.


5 thoughts on “manifesto

  1. You should look back at Gilman’s Women and Economics, which although it was written more than a hundred years ago, addresses many of the issues you raise. Specifically, Gilman argued that domestic work should be done by professionals so that people–not just men–could pursue their career ambitions. You might want to look beyond the chapter we read. Look for the entire book via the link to the chapter we read.

  2. I agree I have noticed this trend growing in the past few years as well. I just want to touch a little bit on what the professor was saying though. If we look again into Woman and Economics more specifically the fourth paragraph on page two. It basically says if we take the kitchen out of the house then men would be forced to connect with woman more on the fact if they can do basic housekeeping chores. If this view was actually implanted 100+ years ago then would our stereotype of the 50s be different? Would we just expect that 50s wife was just a house wife?

  3. I agree with your view on women verses men in business. It is a known fact that women make less money than men for performing the same job. I feel that women are expected to be more fragile and emotional, and are frowned upon when in management positions. I don’t believe that a woman’s only job is to be domestic. I feel that the workforce would be able to benefit from a woman. We as women will be able to utilize those caregiving skills in more ways than one once we are accepted and respected in business. I’m still in query of if we will ever be respected in management and primary decision making careers.

  4. I really like the idea of writing a manifesto on how women are taking over the corporate world. I believe that in most cases men and women should be treated equally, so why should women not be allowed to work and be successful? I agree with the fact that women are usually seen as housewives, but that doesn’t mean women were made to be house wives. We have the same ability as men to make a living for our selves and not have to depend on anyone. Men and women have an equal responsibility for the kids and taking care of the house. Women deserve to be out in the world, as much as men doing what they want in the corporate world.

  5. Sara, I concur with your manifesto of women taking over in the corporate world. I believe we should start encouraging each other rather than supporting what others think we should be doing by being home and handling our “womanly tasks”. I also agree with you when you said “a male could use a female input that they might not even know about.” A lot of women out there are smarter than some males. I think men could always use a womans helping hand in anything and they’d always end up with a great output. I believe us women do need make a mark and let society realize that we can make a difference.

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