Is my narration consistent throughout this piece and does it flow well?

Here comes Richard and Josephine I havenā€™t seen them in quite some time and they are here together. This is truly weird for they have no reason to visit me today. They came wearing grim faces and portraying sad eyes. In my heart I know that something terrible has happened, I wonder if it has anything to do with the terrible ruckus down at the telegraph station today I swear it was like a complete mad house there. Then they start talking and I can barely believe what I am hearing. ā€œJessica my sisterā€ she says ā€œI there has been a terrible accident on the rail. It has been most disastrous and families have been thrown into turmoil.ā€ ā€œDeath has come and we will get through this as best as we can because we are family and thatā€™s what family doesā€ she continued to speak but I had long stopped listening to her and came to the horrible realization that he was gone. DEAD for that is what he is dead and gone according to Robert. My poor Brently taken away from me in a disastrous culmination of steel and fire on that beast of iron he worked on. I am blinded by the grief for my eyes have been bathed in the wetness of my tears and I have nothing else but sorrow in my heart. I now weep for he whom I lost the man that I love.

In a fell swoop it is gone I feel nothing and need to be alone, my room beckons calling me into the peaceful abyss of my abode. Gone is the light for the sky has turned dark with rain as if somehow the gods feeling my sorrow wept with me and have become spent. The darkness that is there is dissipating slowly like the sobs wrecking through my body. In this moment I am truly lost but just as quickly clarity comes to me as the light starts peeking through more and more through the sky. I remember a time when I was happy and young and beautiful, a time when life was so simple. Then I realized that I was free to go back to being that girl. I was no longer tied down to the dead man I was ā€œFREEā€ truly free and I am going to love it.

Ecstasy has set in and my heart is pounding my realization has thrown me for a loop and I have accepted that I am truly free. I no longer need to worry about pleasing the dead man I have only myself to worry about. Pure happiness has filled my once dreary heart I feel like new life has been breathed into me and it is intoxicating. I feel alive more so than I have felt in a long time. I can hear her out there shouting in riotous anger Josephine my sister asking me to come out and talking to Robert at my conversation but she doesnā€™t understand, neither does he. They canā€™t begin to understand the feelings shooting through my very soul.

I have come to a conclusion that I am better because of his death but at the same time I truly loved that man that wonderful kind man who sheltered me through the years where I was his. I will truly miss him and when I see all that is left of him I will weep again but for now I will relish in my freedom. Because even though he was my love, love was not present all the time and I am happy I am not burdened with loving him anymore. There she is again yelling ā€œOpen the door Jessica who are you talking to stop these rambling thoughts before you make yourself sick.ā€Ā  Sick what does she know she is no doctor she is a question bathed in mystery to me has been all my life.

I have had enough of her pleading and I care not for her talking. I open the door and in she rushes taking me by the hand and pulling me downstairs gently like I am made of glass and liable to break any time soon. I see Robert standing in the foyer looking expectantly at me as if I were there to present him with something. Then I hear it the jingling of the lock and the rattle of a key and in swings the door. Standing there is a ghost a ghost of my husband. I look again and see itā€™s not a ghost but the real thing. Gone is my freedom gone just as quickly as it came. I am no longer free. There is a pain a stabbing pain in my chest. They are all talking I can tell because their mouths are moving whether from shock I know not. All I hear is the clashing of a bell and the chains dragging me back in heā€™s alive and I am dead.




One thought on “Is my narration consistent throughout this piece and does it flow well?

  1. How dramatic! You’re clearly using first-person protagonist narration (autodiegetic narration), but there are a few spots that you might want to think about. Are you trying to represent what she’s thinking and experiencing as though that’s automatically just recorded on paper, or is she telling this story to someone? If it’s the former rather than the latter, you might want to eliminate phrases such as “Then I realized that” which are more evaluative and reflective, something that you’d include when recounting or relating to someone else.

    You should also look through for consistency of tense. If this represents what’s she’s experiencing in the moment, what tense should it be? Ask yourself if there’s a good reason to shift tenses when you do.

    Just a point of clarification: the friend’s name was Richards–it’s his last name. Is that who you mean when you refer to Robert?

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