I’m having trouble accessing my dropbox account. I was able to open it yesterday when I signed up from my home computer. Now I’m trying to do it from one of the school computers and its telling me that there is no account under my email. HELP!?
I’m having trouble accessing my dropbox account. I was able to open it yesterday when I signed up from my home computer. Now I’m trying to do it from one of the school computers and its telling me that there is no account under my email. HELP!?
Did you verify your email? If you didn’t try that but I ran into a problem myself and dropbox has the wrong entire email so I can’t even open up the shared folder D:
yea i did. and when i go to my email to open the folder that the professor invited us to join its not letting me do it.
Kathy, I’m not sure what’s going wrong, but if you send me an email from your email address, I will resend the invitation.