Category Archives: Glossary



“Affected by timidity”

this word was encountered on page 203

“Just what is it, Helga?” he asked
again, because the pause had grown awkward,
for him.
“I can’t explain any better than I have,”
she had begun tremulously, “it’s just some-
thing—something deep down inside of me,”
and had turned away to hide a face convulsed
by threatening tears.”

This word when I first saw it reminded me of tremor.I thought that since they were touching a touchy subject that she got upset.Now that I have looked up this word i realize that she is upset however she isn’t just upset she’s slightly embarrassed and is feeling other things too.



indignant – feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy

I came across this word while reading “Quicksand” by Nella Larsen. It can be found in chapter 17, page 210.

“She might at least, thought Helga indignantly, have acted a little bit as if she…”

After understanding what this word means, I believe that Anne was thinking that Helga might be upset, and feeling angry on the inside. Another word she was assuming how Helga might have felted.



Image result for feeling angry



refuse to accept or be associated with. Reject.


word is found in chapter 14 “Quicksand”

”In America Negroes sometimes talked loudly of this, but in their hearts they repudiated it.”

here Helga Crane is justifying her new life was now pleasing to her as it satisfied her “self-importance”, but to her the Negroes embrace the idea of being themselves on the surface not within their hearts as she believed they wanted to be more like the “whites” rather than black.



having little or no money


found in chapter 13 “Quicksand”

”with that sensation of lavish contentment and well-being enjoyed only by impecunious sybarites waking in the houses of the rich”

This was perhaps describing Helga her self as the one who is not quite affluent  but still Indulges in luxuries of the rich.


Flaunting (verb) – to display or obtrude oneself to public notice: a great flaunting crow – Charles Dickens.

Quicksand: chapter 13, page 99

“Left alone, Helga began to wonder. She was dubious, too, and not a little resentful. Certainly, she loved the color with a passion that perhaps only Negroes and Gypsies know. But she had a deep in the perfection of her own taste, and no mind to be bedecked in flaunting flashy things. Still- she had to admit that Fru Dahl was right about the dressing down. It did suit her. Perhaps an evening dress. And she knew that she had lovely shoulders, and her feet were nice.”

Helga has her own taste and she knows what suits her better, however, Fru Dahl recommended to were the dress as a “display” he picked for her for the evening at first, she was kind of upset but later she began to realize that Fru was right about how a dress looks good on her and her body was perfect for a dress.




Lulled (verb) – to put to sleep or rest by soothing means: to lull a child by singing.

Quicksand chapter 8, page 75.

“Again she had had that strange transforming experience, this time not so fleetingly, that magic sense of having come home. Harlem, teeming black Harlem, had welcomed her and lulled her into something that was she was certain peace and contentment.”

As we know Helga can’t stay in one place for a long time. And this place she moved to was better and she felt comfortable as a child who gets lulled by his/her sleep.