
Although we introduced ourselves in class briefly, and will continue to get to know each other through our discussions in and writing for this class, please write an introduction here (as a comment to this post) as a way to help us get to know each other better. Aim to write 250-300 words. This is your chance to craft how we meet and know you, and with brilliance.

If you have successfully created an OpenLab account, log in before you comment so the system can recognize you. Otherwise, fill in the required information and get started!

Check back again and reply to at least a few of your classmates, asking questions or letting them know about shared interests.

46 thoughts on “Introductions

  1. Rukhshona Rasulova

    Good evening everyone, my name is Rukhshona Rasulova and I am from Uzbekistan. I moved to NY when I was fifteen on October 11, 2009. I graduated from James Madison High school in Brooklyn and I live in Brooklyn as well. Last summer I graduated from City tech with ASS in Restorative Dentistry program and I am doing Health Services Administration for BS. Well, I like reading books about based on true stories and, I love watching Turkish films and dramas. Also, I speak few languages like Uzbek, Persian, Russian, Korean, and English and my hobby is to cook, I like cooking different types of foods such as American goods, Uzbek foods, Russian foods, and/or Korean foods yet, I do not like baking. What else can I say about myself, I am 23 years old and I am married. Well, in my life my mother is the most important person because she is the one who always encourages me to do stuff like; when first time when my family moved to NY I did not speak English. I used to fail and did not understood anything in high school however my mother was always next to me and she told me I can do it. So, I did it, that’s why I always thank my mother for her support and her love. So, I registered for this course because it was required for my major, so far, I like this class and looking forward in learning new stuff. Thank you!

    1. Yasmin

      It’s amazing how your mother has inspired you and motivated because mine has always done the same. If I’m being honest I’m not sure where I would be without my mothers support and persistence regardless of how much we clash at times. What are some books, films or dramas that you’d recommend? Do you have any suggestions on learning a new language? It’s admirable that you know so many languages and decided to pick up English just like that! Anyway, I appreciate you letting us get to know you better, thank you!

      1. Rukhshona Rasulova

        Thank you very much! And yes of course there are many ways to learn new languages like I’ve learned korean language because I used to watch lots of korean dramas with english subtitle such as “City hunter” or like “Coffee Prince” this is the way I learned korean language while watching korean drama lol and while reading the english subtitle i could hear their language and slowing my ears get used to it and year by year i slowly got to understand what they talking about without actually reading the subtitles. And its same with other languages too. Now I started watching turkish drama which called “siyah beyaz ask (black and white love)” with english subtitle. I think its the best way to learn different languages and interesting as you watch you get to know their culture and their lifestyle. And I am happy that you’re also interested in learning new languages. I hope you enjoy if you watch any of these dramas. And good luck šŸ™‚ by the way sorry for the late reply!

        1. Jody R. Rosen Post author

          Welcome, Rukhshona! I was wondering how you came to learn Korean, since it’s geographically and linguistically quite far from your other languages and their regions. I learned to read Korean in high school when my best friend taught me its alphabet, but I couldn’t understand it listening to it, or make sense of what I could pronounce when looking at it on the page. You must have a very good ability with languages! That’s often true of people who speak multiple languages–maybe some of your classmates who are multilingual have had that experience as well?

          Mothers are wonderful–in stark contrast to these step mothers we’re reading about this week! I hope your mother continues to inspire you– and yours, too, Yasmin, and that you are both inspirations to your mothers as well!

          1. Rukhshona Rasulova

            Waw that’s impressive that you can read korean, however i can’t read it, i totally forgot how to read but i pretty understand it. When i was a kid my father used to travel a lot in korean for business and he lived there for few years. So, he used to teach me and my siblings korean language since he learned it, its like i have a little background since i stared learning it since i was a child. And about Russian language, back in the history my country was part of the Soviet Union so thats why i know Russian language and we all used to take Russian classes it was required to learn. But, i am Persian so my native language is Farsi and in Uzbekistan everyone speaks uzbek 80% of school were all uzbek school. Lastly, i started learning Turkish language because, Turkish is similar to uzbek language so i mostly understand everything. I love learning new languages but for me the hardest language to learn was English, but I survived.

  2. Linh Ngo

    Hello! My name is Linh Ngo, this is my second semester in City Tech, and I’m very happy with my classes for this semester, and looking forward to meeting new people! I like to play computer games on my free time. I’m not an out going person, and most of the time quiet during class. I play a sport outside of school called Handball, its not a very famous sports but its is definitely worth trying out. I wasn’t born in America, and i’m not really good at writing, and dealing with difficult words. But I hope this course can help me improve my writing skill, and give me an interest in reading more on my free time. Although I am not really in to reading, but I’m looking forward to expanding my interest, and also looking forward to be reading the novels for this course! If I would have to read on my free time, I would like to find something in the horror genre! I was always interested in horror movies, and I’ve watched most of the horror movies out there. My favorite horror movies is “Silent Hill” I love this movie and the game too. I will be transferring after this semester, so I would like to make good memories with all my friends in City Tech, and everyone who helped me throughout my time being here. I hope everyone is having a great 2018, and achieve great goals this year. Overall I’m excited about this course and hope everyone is too ! šŸ˜€

    1. Jody R. Rosen Post author

      Welcome, Linh!

      I have a colleague in the English Department who loves playing handball, and I know others who have played. You must have very strong hands or very numb palms!

      I hope the glossary assignment can help all of us learn more words and understand what we read better. It’s a good habit that I hope remains with everyone after this class. I’m excited to get your perspective in class and here on our site, so keep sharing your ideas. There are a few stories that we’re reading that could be considered horror stories, though nothing as graphic as “Silent Hill,” I’m sure. But maybe we can add something else that appeals to your interests!

  3. Madycyn

    Hello, my name is Madison. Iā€™m 19 years old and this is my first year at this school and my major is accounting. Iā€™m really good at math but horrible when it comes to english. So hopefully this class can help me. I can be shy at first but Iā€™m actually a really open person. I spend most of my time watching Netflix or with my friends. One interesting fact about me is that I have a twin brother but we are nothing alike. Iā€™m into comedy and drama. I love to laugh so Iā€™m always in a great mood. Iā€™m an Aquarius if anyone cares. Iā€™m from Brooklyn but I live in queens. I love to go shopping and trying new food. I love to read murder mystery books. Iā€™m Puerto Rican and Cuban. Iā€™m also in love with my dog. I like people who can take a joke and just have a great time. Iā€™m very honest so if you ever need someone to check you back into reality then just let me know. Big fan of Bob’s Burgers and Bojack Horseman. I would like to take my degree and get a great job so that I can live an amazing life in New York with a ton of money and have that luxury life that I always dreamt of. I like the better things in life. Overall I Hope I can gain some knowledge but also gain some new friends who share the same interests but Iā€™m shy so it might take me awhile.

    1. Jody R. Rosen Post author

      Welcome, Madycyn!

      You’re not the first person here to say that this subject isn’t your strength, but so far we’ve had great class discussions and great contributions here on our site, so you must all be better than you give yourself credit for! Watching television series can give you a great sense of narrative, which means that all that binge watching is good practice for this class (okay, maybe not 100%, but still some)! Is there a murder mystery series you like? I’ve never been a big murder mystery reader, but I started reading a couple of series about female detectives and I’ve really enjoyed them. I mentioned one in class, the Phryne Fisher murder mystery series. I’ve downloaded most of them for free from the NYPL.

  4. vira

    Hey guys Iā€™m Elvira in adult life all I do is go to school, work then sleep in teenage life I go out and hang with my friends or bench watch netflix all day. I enjoy reading fiction thats why I singed up for this class I am sadden to hear we will be writing a lot more than I expected. I used to want to write fiction but gave that up quickly as I found I do not like writing as much as I like to read. I hope this semester is good to me all my classes seem great so far. My semester goals are to not fall behind on work, not be absent and to do or try to do all my homework/assignments. More about myself, I have a kitten named Benji heā€™s all black and loves attacking me in my sleep. I hate math anything related to the subject please do not ask me any math questions high chances are I donā€™t know the answer. I love lil uzi vert (artist) and recently saw him in concert it was amazing I love his music. I have an active imagination so I like to daydream from time to time, Iā€™ll zone out in class. I love debating I feel like I can argue almost anything I can be on any side of the argument, I should join a debate class. Sometimes write like Iā€™m talking and this is probably one of those times. My introduction is jumping all over the place but if youā€™d like to know anything else just ask me.

    1. Jody R. Rosen Post author

      Welcome, vira!

      You and Madycyn both wrote about binge-watching Netflix, so I hope you’ll both share some recommendations! I’m glad you like to read, and I hope that I can convince you that writing about what we read will make the reading even better. It’s like when you watch something on your own vs. when you get to talk to your friend about it. It comes alive when you get to discuss it, pick it apart, compare it to other things, think about what else you would want it to do. This is a writing-intensive course, so we will write often, but as an extension of what we’re thinking about in relation to our readings. I won’t make you do any math, though I do hope you can find your peace with math and come to love it!

  5. Mahnoor Sheikh

    My name is Mahnoor Sheikh, but my nickname is Manu. I am eighteen and four feet and eight inches tall, which is not actually a fun size contrary to what everyone who is not 4’8 will say. I am a communication design major, and I do love my major. Which was a pleasant surprise, I am an artist and was originally going to consider going to Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), for fine arts. I did want to go to MICA but I knew it would actually hurt me in the long run. The tuition for an out of state student was insane and it genuinely stung emotionally declining that school’s offer. I did not care about the SAT, and I still do not care about the SAT, I found it to be ridiculous the idea of one test telling me whether or not I will succeed in life. So I did not apply myself during that exam, I winged it. And ruined my chances of being accepted to any cunys except City Tech. My dream school was Cooper Union, they had a fourteen percent acceptance rate, and I did not even make the wait-list for that school. That really devastated me, and I really did not want to make art for a while because I felt really humiliated and untalented. I took a break from making art, still kept a sketchbook though and in late July I was accepted to Pratt Institute for Art History. The timing was really last minute I had no money, Pratt cost a lot of money. I tried to talk the financial aid office but there was no way I would be able to go to Pratt without taking out a loan. So I went to City Tech, they were free and close to the subway. I hated computers, I could not find the q on a keyboard to save my life. But I have learned a lot and I just try to be true to my artistic self in my designs. Best of all I make art again, not for any school or person but for me and I love it. I am starting to get tattoo and piercing training soon so I am excited about that. I really like to talk.

    1. Duane

      I 110% agree with you on the SAT’s being ridiculous. One test can not and should not tell if an individual is ready for college or not because there are factors like test anxiety that can affect the performance on the individual’s overall score.

    2. Charlie Caron

      I’m sorry to hear about you not getting into the school you wanted. But it seems like you’re making your own way through art, which is great! Several of my friends are ComD students and they all seem to be satisfied with the program, so I hope it works out for you as well.

      1. Jody R. Rosen Post author

        Welcome, Manu! And thanks, Duane and Charlie, for your encouragement of your new classmate! As great as it would have been to be at one of those schools, you can take advantage of what City Tech has to offer in COMD and graduate debt-free (hopefully!), which is a big advantage in life. What medium do you most like to work in? Do your classes push you to expand your skills and comfort zone? I’d guess that tattoo and piercing is one way you’re moving your art into a new medium. I hope that you can bring your artistic eye into our discussions about literature.

  6. Yasmin

    I find that the most difficult time for an introduction is when asked to because I somehow forget everything I know about myself in that moment. My name is Yasmin, Iā€™m Venezuelan, the youngest of three, I appreciate pastel colors and I like keeping everything organized. My major is Chemical Technology but if Iā€™m being quite honest I have no idea what I plan to do with that degree. When it comes to the bottom of it I simply chose it because I liked chemistry in high school. I wouldnā€™t say English is my strong suit Iā€™ve always just gotten by in the subject enough to be average. I donā€™t like writing papers so you guys can see the irony in signing up for an intensive writing course. Writing has its upsides but being the procrastinator that I am it takes me forever to actually get an assignment done. Anyway, Iā€™ve never been out of the country but traveling is definitely on my bucket list. Other than English I only speak Spanish but I want to learn other languages like Greek, French, and Portuguese. I was surrounded by instruments growing up but I never had the self-discipline to be consistent enough to be good at any of them. I know the basics in guitar, bass, and piano because of my dad and although I feel like Iā€™ve wasted so much time not practicing, I want to be able to play all of them proficiently one day. There are days where Iā€™m overtaken by this excitement to learn so many things. Itā€™s this feeling of having the world at my fingertips and the power to be anything and everything Iā€™d like. Therefore, just as much as anyone I want to be successful in anything I put my mind to, especially in my career, even though Iā€™m not sure what that is quite yet.

    1. Duane

      Based on your introduction we have a lot of things in common. My major is also Chemical Technology but I chose this major because the class credits are transferable to any college towards my future career which is Aerospace Engineering. I also don’t like writing papers as well but to obtain our degree we have to take and pass a writing intensive class and I found interest in chemistry from high school. Finally, I’m in the process of self-teaching myself how to speak Spanish and I too want to relearn how to play guitar because I own an acoustic guitar. You’re dope.

      1. Jody R. Rosen Post author

        Welcome, Yasmin! and thanks, Duane, for your encouragement!

        I love how you describe the feeling of wanting to learn new things all at once. I can definitely relate! That’s one reason why the start of the semester is always so exciting for me. It’s the middle of the semester when it’s harder to have that enthusiasm–that’s when things get hard and you have to resist the urge to switch to something new instead of pushing through what you’ve started learning. We do have French classes here, though probably not contributory for Chemical Technology. But I’m sure you could make a friend who speaks French and wants to learn Spanish, and you can teach each other! Or maybe you can Duane can find a music room to re-learn guitar together. It’s the start of the semester–anything is possible!

  7. David Peikrishvili

    Hello there, my name is David Peikrishvili, nice try reading my last name. This is my second semester and I am hoping it is going to be as fun as my first semester. Currently my major is Computer Science which I enjoy a lot but I am also a Graphics Designer. I started learning graphics design about 3 years ago, and it really stuck with me. It is a very time consuming activity but I like making cool little projects. In the near future I wish to study abroad (mainly Japan), and just travel the world. I really hate being cooped up in New York City for the past years, following the same schedule. I would like to experience something new and unfamiliar. Also I enjoy learning new languages, currently i can speak English(obviously), Russian, Georgian, and Japanese. I would like to learn French and Korean but that’s only going to happen when i have free time. If I had to choose my favorite animal, it would probably be the Pandas, they are just so adorable and friendly. Just by looking at them your day can get better. Well ummm… this is pretty much it about me. Hope you didn’t fall asleep xD. Lets all have a great and a fun semester!!!!

    1. Jody R. Rosen Post author

      Welcome, David!

      I know there are a few CST majors in our class, and a few students interested in art and design, so you’re in good company. Maybe you and Yasmin can both learn French together, or you could try Rukhshona’s technique for learning Korean by watching Korean shows with English subtitles on.

      Are there study abroad programs here at City Tech that will let you study in Japan? If not, you might be able to connect through another CUNY school, or CUNY BA. Or travel there for a shorter period, like during the summer or spring break. Good luck with your travels, and let us know what you learn about study abroad programs!

  8. Muhammad Qasim

    Hello, my name is Muhammad Qasim. I am from Pakistan, and the youngest of four siblings. Last year, I achieved an Associate’s degree in Computer Information Systems. Now I am pursuing Bachelorā€™s in Computer Systems Technology, with the path of Software Development. This is currently my third year at City Tech. I originally wanted to go to NYU, however, the tuition fees were too high. My original major was Computer Engineering Technology, but the schedule for those classes was so hectic that I had to change to Computer Systems Technology. Iā€™ve been coding/programming since I was about twelve years old. This passion developed through years of playing video games. I was always curious about how each game is developed and the process behind it. So, I decided to self-teach myself programming. I started off easy, so my first programming language was HTML, which consisted of creating various webpages. Currently, I know about seven programming languages, which consist of, HTML, Java, XML, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, and C++. My goal to learn Python and Ruby next. If you have any programming questions, feel free to ask me. Iā€™ll be happy to help you. Another thing about me is that Iā€™m from Brooklyn. I love watching Sci-Fi movies and T.V. shows. I like both Marvel and DC, but I enjoy watching Marvel movies more. I canā€™t wait to see Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, and Deadpool 2! This year has so many great movies releasing! Well, thatā€™s it about me, hope everyone has a successful year!

  9. Mohammad Khan

    Good evening everyone! My name is Mohammad Khan. Well to being I graduated from Midwood High school and this is my second semester at City Tech. I am working towards an associateā€™s degree in marketing management and sales. Last semester I was told by the department that with this major, I wouldnā€™t go too far so I changed my major to Computer Information Systems. However, then I decide to take on the challenge and prove the department wrong so I transferred back to marketing. I also told them, I wanted to transfer into Baruch by the fall of 2018, the department said ā€œevery business student wants that but only around two have made it from City Tech,ā€ and I said ā€œI would be the third,ā€ so wish me luck on that!

    Things that may be interesting about me is that I am a freelance public speaker. Iā€™ve spoken in many colleges, high schools, and community centers. I currently speak at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) every Wednesday. I also work/ have worked with many nonprofit and youth organizations such as ICNA Relief, Young Muslims (YM), Theophile Church and Outreach Center and many more. I like to be involved in things so whatever I can be a part of, I try to take advantage of and expand myself and my network. I love to help people in any way I can, so if you need help in something that I can come of aid, donā€™t be shy to ask especially if its tips on public speaking. Another and the last thing for this introduction about me is, I LOVE COFFEE!

  10. Caitlynvalera

    Hey Everyone!!! My name is Caitlyn Valera and I am a sophomore at City tech my major is fashion merchandising and marketing. I am 19 years old my birthday is October 25th which makes me a Scorpio. I am Brazilian and Puerto Rican but I was born in Brooklyn and raised in Queens and currently still live there. I really want to visit Brazil soon hopefully I will go in the next few years. I have nine siblings but I am the oldest girl in the family. I work at a supermarket and I do data entry for the weekly sales along with bookkeeping. Although my major is fashion marketing I am more interested in cosmetology but I want to learn more about the business side of the industry. Outside of work and school I really like to go to the movies and going shopping also watching netflix series. My favorite movies are mean girls and clueless. And my favorite colors are baby pink and peach. I really enjoy traveling and hope to do more over the summer. I don’t enjoy sports although I used to play soccer and softball I also used to do cheerleading. I love listening to music and I listen to many different kinds of music. I have two pets a cat and a dog and they both hate each other so they stay on opposite sides of the house. I am excited to see what i’m going to learn throughout this course and I am aiming for great grades this semester.

  11. Jorge

    I’m bad at introductions because I never know what to say about myself, so i’ll just write whatever comes to mind until I reach 250 words lol. Hello, my name is Jorge. I’m 18 years old and this is my second semester as a freshman in this school. I major in Computer Science and I plan on doing something in the gaming industry with it one day. I tend to do alright for myself in English courses but I wouldn’t say it’s my strong suit. I like math, and I kind of have to because my major pretty much revolves around it. I’ve always been interested in learning how to code, I did some Java back in High School when I was in the Robotics club and I’m currently enrolled in a Intro to Programming course this semester where I will be learning Python, so that’s something I’m definitely looking forward to this semester. I spend most of my free time gaming or watching Youtube, sometimes Netflix. I love music, specifically EDM. Some of my favorite artist would have to be Alan Walker, Kygo, The Chainsmokers, Illenium, just to name a few. I speak mainly English although I do want to learn Spanish as well. I’m hoping this semester will be enjoyable but only time will tell. Hmmm let’s see what else I can write about myself, oh I tend to be a chill and laid-back person. I tend to keep to myself but I don’t mind interacting with others. I’m out of ideas but luckily I’m at the 250 word point so I’ll just wrap this up, hope you enjoyed reading a little about me even though it was kind of a bunch of randomness, I wasn’t aiming for a formal approach here so hopefully we didn’t need to. Anyways, I look forward to spending the next couple months in this course, hopefully I enjoy it! šŸ˜€

  12. Kumarie

    Hello, my name is Kumarie Sewnaraine Iā€™m 21 years old and I have an older brother. I live in the Bronx and decided applying to city tech will be a good way to see new things and meet new people. Iā€™m west indian, Guyanese to be exact and I love my culture, the food, music, celebrations and everything in between. My major is Hospitality Management and thus far Iā€™m very happy with my choice. Growing up I would go to work with mom and spend time learning about her job. Before my mom passed away, she worked at the Loews Regency Hotel in Park Ave. I could honestly say my passion for the hospitality industry began at that exact hotel. Meeting the team and seeing all the underground work that staff would do just for the guest’s happiness really inspired me to want this as a career. My dream is to work my way up to be general manager at the Loews Regency Hotel mainly because thatā€™s where I found my passion for a career from such a young age. My dad and brother are currently working in hotels also in Manhattan, so itā€™s like family tradition! My goals for this semester is to not fall back in any of my classes and really absorb information and put it to use in the future. On my spare time I like watching movies at home, mostly thriller and mystery, sometimes comedy and recently Iā€™ve been hooked on mystery cases and conspiracy theories on YouTube. Iā€™m more of a writer than a reader, well it depends on the book. Thatā€™s about it for my introduction. Have a great semester everyone!!

  13. Kevin Palomeque

    My name is Kevin Xavier Palomeque. My parents are from Ecuador, which is located in South America. My parents immigrated to the United States sometime in the 1990ā€™s along with my older brother. Luckily, I was born in the New York City, and later on, so was my little brother.
    I have an extremely close bond with my family, and would do anything for them. I want nothing more for us than to succeed. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s Hispanic culture, or itā€™s just the way I am, but I value family over everything. I look forward to seeing my parents and my brothers everyday. While many of my friends around my age were eager to dorm on a faraway campus to escape their parents, or their family altogether, I was perfectly fine with staying with my family.
    I just finished my associates for my major which is Electrical Mechanical Engineering, and I have now started working towards my bachelors. Even though I like my major, I can speak for days about history. I love history. Ancient Rome and medieval Europe, to be specific. I find history to be absolutely fascinating.. I love ancient Rome because it was one of the earliest superpowers and because of their lasting influence on future events, and even on the modern world. I love medieval Europe because I love the battles, and the armor of the times. I find it interesting to see how armor progressed from making the wearer safer, to making the wearer a walking tank.
    When I get a well paying job in my field, I want to travel the world with my girlfriend, but my first trip would be to Disney World just because itā€™s so fun there.

  14. Yarlin

    Hi there. My names Yarlin Zapata. I’m 19 years old and will be turning 20 this semester. I chose this course since I enjoy reading fiction and also writing despite how time-consuming it is. I took a little break from reading books in order to catch up to some comics that I missed out on last semester. Lot’s of fantastic stories and art out there, reading DC comics at the moment. Anyways, I also speak Spanish, though preferably I stick to English since I lack confidence in my Spanish speaking skills (I do understand it pretty well though). Hopefully, I can learn French in the future.

    I’m the second oldest out of four siblings. I try to spend as much time as possible with my family, even during times when I’m most busy. I enjoy watching cartoons and playing video games with my little brothers. Sometimes hang out with my older sister in the city. There are also friends that I spend time with both from the college and outside of it. I’m quiet but will respond back when spoken to. Can be shy sometimes. One of my favorite hobbies would have to be making art. It is something I just do for fun and strive to improve on even though I have no plans to make a career out of it. Kinda been thinking of making my own comics for fun. Just to see if I can pull off making my own stories.

    I think that’s all for now. Looking forward to the rest of this semester.

  15. Duane

    Hi everyone, my name is Duane Lawrence. I am born and raised in Brooklyn, NY with a Jamaican background. I enjoy watching anime, playing video games, eating, sleeping and playing basketball. I am a quiet person but will speak up when necessary. I work for ASAP as a Peer Mentor, I assist students with CUNYFirst, Blackboard, DegreeWorks, and personal/academical problems. This is my second year in City Tech pursuing an Associateā€™s Degree in Chemical Technology looking to use these class credits to transfer to a school and major in Aerospace Engineering to obtain my Bachelorā€™s. If you were thinking, I do want to help create airplanes, helicopters, and ultimately spaceships. I also do want to go to outer space and become an astronaut one day because I am curious, I dream about being in space and would love for the opportunity to learn more about space, planets, galaxies for myself and help answer unanswered questions about what goes on in outer space. I also enjoy learning more about my African American heritage by learning more about the history of Africans, the cultures, movements, and the evolution. I also want to become more versatile, so I am in the process of learning how to speak Spanish and in the future would like to relearn French. Iā€™m slowly in the process of going back to art because I had stopped drawing, on my own, since I was about 10. I recently decided to go back to drawing and painting because it is a creative mindset I would like to tap back into. Itā€™s a love and hate relationship when it comes to drawing and painting so Iā€™m taking baby steps. To kind of finish this off, when I get stressed out I meditate to help calm me down and refocus.

  16. Jahanzeb Siddiqy

    Hi, my name is Jahanzeb and Iā€™m 18 years old. This is my second semester at City Tech and I’m currently working towards an associates degree in Chemical Technology. After that I intend to pursue a Bachelors in Applied Chemistry. I graduated from Jamaica Gateway to the sciences back in June. After achieving my Bachelors, I plan on applying to Medical School. Other than going to college, I also work at a Taxi School in Richmond Hill and manage a car service. In my free time, I like enjoying food and reading. I usually read nonfiction books as well as Arabic literature. Other than that, I enjoy reading Persian poetry. I can speak English, Urdu, Punjabi and Arabic, and have a limited ability to speak Persian. I have enjoyed it at City Tech so far and am looking forward to learning new things and meeting new people this semester.

  17. Justin Liang

    Hello My name is Justin Liang and this is my second semester at City Tech as a freshman. I graduated in 2017 from Edward R Murrow and live a Brooklyn. City Tech was one of my safety schools if I didn’t get into my school of choice. Im currently going through the process of submitting transfer papers to hopefully transfer to Brooklyn College. My time in City tech is not as bad as I thought it would be. I don’t really have friends in the school because I don’t really like talking to new people. I get to anxious when meeting new people and I tend to not talk. Currently majoring in Computer Engineering but, if I do get into Brooklyn College I will be switching majors to Computer Science and considering Minoring in Music.

    Back in High School I used to play the flute and I played in our symphonic band. We went on a trip to Ithaca College and it was pretty cool. Playing music is really fun for me because the way the music comes out really pleases me. Its kinda soothing in a way. Also I LOVE BROADWAY! During January I went to go see Hamilton, Wicked! and Kinky Boots. They were all amazing especially Hamilton. Im hoping in the future I get a job in building computers or even coding games. I also want to possibly play in Broadway shows because again I LOVE BROADWAY. But besides music, on my spare time I mostly play games and sometimes watch anime. I hope we all have a great second semester!!!

  18. Skyler

    Greetings, My name is Skyler Lagombra. I am 20 years old. My parents are from Dominican Republic, but I was born In America. I feel that I have no Caribbean blood, since I could only understand Spanish and not speak it . This is my third year at City-tech. I did really bad with the entrance exams, so I was stuck doing remedial courses my first year. My Major is Computer Science. I picked this major because I enjoy Tech and my older brother just finished his masters with the same degree, so I kind of got influence by him. My main source of entertainment is playing video games. I play most type of games from first person shooters to fighters. Recently, I been hitting the Gym everyday because I felted kind of fat. If i’m going to be completely honest, I don’t really like to read or write because I’m not that good at it. Hopefully with this class and my other English class that I am taking this semester my writing and reading skill could get from bad to decent.

    1. Yarlin

      Hey it’s seems we share things in common. I’m Dominican as well, was born and raised here in US. Glad to know I’m not alone when it comes to speaking/understanding Spanish. I wish you the best in your work outs!

  19. sam

    Hey everyone my names Samina and I this is my second semester at City Tech. I just turned 19 yesterday, sadly it was on the first day of classes so I was stuck in school till 8:30. My major at the moment is human service but i’m probably going to transfer out next semester and pursue a degree in education. Last June before my high school graduation I was set on attending a University upstate but plans changed last minute and I had to apply to CUNY the day before graduation. The only CUNY that had direct admissions open at the time was City Tech and that’s why i’m here. I don’t mind attending City Tech at all though. So far so good, but i’m transferring only because the college doesn’t offer education as a major. I’m taking this course because a writing intensive class was required and i’m a little worried because writing is not something i’m very good at. I hope taking this course allows me to get better at it. I love reading but I don’t do it as much as I used to. Listening to music is probably the only thing I do nowadays, besides sleeping and eating. I always have headphones on or music blasting in my room. Everyone here has something interesting to say but I can’t think of anything, which sucks but is also inspiring at the same time, so that’s cool. I hope to pick up some new hobbies this year because i’m getting a little bored with my life. Maybe a job? Maybe volunteering? Who knows.

  20. Ernest L.

    Hello, my name is Ernest Lukovic and this is the second semester of my freshman year at City Tech. I graduated in 2017 from High School of Sports Management in Brooklyn. There I played Football for two years which I really enjoyed, but I also fell in love with English there. But even though I’m a Computer Science major which involves quite a bit of math, English and History are my favorite subjects to learn about.
    I fell in love with technology and video games at a very young age. I’ve always been fascinated by the development of technology and how it makes us humans do things more efficiently and properly. I hope have a career in Game Development or Software Development, because I really like the idea of being able to see people using something that I made or that I helped. I really like the community aspect of Video Games and how some developers add things into the game that their fans want no matter how hard it would be to code in.

  21. Charlie Caron

    Hey, guys. My name is Charlie and I’m a business/accounting student. This is my second semester here at city tech pursuing this degree, but before that I studied IT- Networking at a school near Seattle. For work I currently serve as customer support / dispatcher for a logistics start up based in Manhattan. I’ve lived in New York for about 2 years now, in Far Rockaway off the A line. Before here I was living in the suburbs around Seattle, places called Sea-Tac, Federal Way, and Kent. To be honest I’m not in love with New York the way I was in love with the Seattle area. One big reason for that is the lack of nature in this area. The greenest thing in my neighborhood is an abandoned lot with a burned out house and overgrown lawn, haha.

    There are things I like about New York, though. The amount of diversity is astounding compared to Seattle, where the demographics were pretty much monochromatic. That diversity leads to a lot of neat cultural products that are easily accessible. If I’m in the office and forgot to bring lunch I can choose from Korean, Thai, Irish, Japanese, Chinese, or Italian food, all within a 3 block radius of my office. The viewpoints offered by that diversity is also a breath of fresh air compared to back home. Everyone has a different take on any given issue based on their background and who they spend time with and what culture they identify with and all these other factors. Anyway, I’m excited to spend time in the classroom with you all and get to learn a little bit about you.

  22. Jody R. Rosen Post author

    Welcome to everyone! I’ve loved reading your comments and getting to know you all better. Iā€™m glad weā€™re all getting to know each other in class and here online, and to see your shared interests. So many of you expressed your interest in languages, the arts, in gaming, in reading, and in a myriad of other things. All of these interests will contribute to our class community, either in the work you do or in the passion and creativity youā€™ll bring with you.

    Hopefully youā€™ve gotten to know me a little bit just from our first class and from the syllabus and other materials on this siteā€“our writing style says a lot about usā€“but allow me to introduce myself more fully. Iā€™m a native New Yorker, and have lived in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Islandā€“and though Iā€™ve never lived in Queens, it holds a big place in my heart (any guesses why? I reveal it below). Iā€™m an associate professor in the English Department at City Tech, with a Ph.D. in English and a certificate in Womenā€™s Studies from the CUNY Graduate Center in midtown Manhattan. My undergraduate degree from Brown University is in both English and Biology. As a college student, this combination often confused people, and they would ask ā€œWhat are you going to do, write science textbooks?ā€ No, that was never an interest of mine. I do use a lot of science terminology and metaphors in my writing, both in my creative writing and in my scholarly work.

    Here at City Tech, Iā€™m involved in a number of interesting projects. I wonā€™t list them all, but Iā€™ve been one of the OpenLab co-directors since it launched in 2011, and am conducting research on interactive technology use in education. My scholarly work focuses on narrative theory, gender and sexuality studies, and literature of the 20th century. Iā€™m active on the Undergraduate Research Committee, so letā€™s talk if youā€™re interested in conducting research. Iā€™m one of the faculty mentors for The Buzz, a student-run blog that pays bloggers to contribute as the voice of City Tech. Find them on the OpenLab and read each of their different contributionsā€“and respond with comments, too!

    Outside of workā€“if we can ever really separate the things we do into work and non-work categoriesā€“I love to knit and crochet when I have time. Iā€™ve been known to quilt. I love to cook. I want to learn how to use a letterpress. As you can see, I like to make things! Itā€™s so satisfying to see a project through from start to finish, and to have a tangible object to show for it. I like to bring my love of making things into the classroom, creating projects that donā€™t just ask students to do what theyā€™re used to doing (eg write papers) but to experience things, have a tactile encounter with our surroundings, and to make things, too.

    I love to look at old maps and photographs of New York, and often incorporate them into my courses. Although Iā€™m an amateur and donā€™t have fancy equipment, I am always amazed by how much better my photographs look when I get a new phone with an even-better camera. I love to take photographs when I travel, whether to far-off places like Amsterdam and Iceland or here in New York while commuting. I have plans to travel to Montreal for work this semester, and I’m excited to see it and to capture some of it in photos. Sometimes, though, Iā€™ve passed on the opportunity to take photos while riding the Staten Island Ferry or walking across the Brooklyn Bridge in favor of enjoying the view.

    And Iā€™m a bleed-blue-and-orange Mets fan, so really excited that pitchers and catchers report in a couple of weeks. (That’s my strongest connection to Queens!)

  23. Brittny Roberts

    Hi, my name is Brittny Roberts. I’m 18 and I was born in Trinidad and Tobago, I love my island, I miss walking down to the beach with my family on Sundays, the music, the food, and all the fruit trees that grew in my yard (had over ten). I never bought fruits until I moved here. I don’t miss the hot burning sun or the mosquitoes but i’m still proud that I was born there. I moved here around the age of 12 and have lived here ever since. This is my second semester at city tech. I originally planned on going to school upstate but my plans changed. I don’t regret coming here because I fell in love with the location, the atmosphere and the people at this school. Even though I love it here i’m planning on transferring to finish my degree. My major is mechanical engineering. I picked this major because I love to work with my hands, understand how things work and seeing something I’ve created come to life.

    In my spare time I like to learn new ways of coding. I watch anime, read manga and comics. I also like to explore New York, what I often do is pick a random stores or restaurant to visit then explore the area around it after. I like that there is always something new to discover in New York. I really want to travel the world when once I graduate, the first place I want to go to is France. I think i’m obsessed with music, I can’t do any thing without it (Listening to it right now). My favorite artist is Childish gambino.

    I’m a very easy to talk to and I like making friends but i’m still very shy but don’t be afraid to talk to me. If you guys have any recommendations, on books, anime, manga, TV shows, restaurants, music… literally anything or you just want to say hi, don’t be scared to comment.

  24. Jhoanna Dimapanat

    Hey guys, hope I’m not too late jumping into the bandwagon…

    So my name is Jhoanna Dimapanat, most people call me Jo since it’s quicker for them to get my attention that way. Select few opted out to call me Nana, which is the nickname given to me by my mom. But, you can also just stick with Jhoanna, whatever suits your groove. I’m Filipino, I grew up in a place called Davao City in Philippines, & then by 2011, I was 14, we moved here in New York for good. I’m undeclared at the moment since I’m trying to get in to the nursing program, so I’m taking pre-req classes. It wasn’t really my first choice, I was actually doing Communication Design on my first year (I’m on my 2nd yr. now) so I could transfer to FIT for Graphic Design, that was the plan, but then my parents persuaded me to choose something that they think is more of a practical choice, hence the switch to nursing. I do miss having an art class, science classes can be a bore sometimes. Once I find a job as a nurse, I’m planning to save up & apply to my dream school, School of Visual Arts, for a degree at illustration, since that has always been my goal as an aspiring artist…hopefully everything goes well.

    As for hobbies & interests, I enjoy sketching strangers in public settings, like on subways, cafes, parks etc.
    I also like watercolor painting & doing a mediocre job at Polaroid photography. I absolutely adore all films by Quentin Tarantino, Wes Anderson, & Hayao Miyazaki. I love listening to podcasts, usually fictional ones like “Limetown” & “Welcome to Nigh Vale”, but I also enjoy the likes of “Serial” or “Lore”. A couple of random facts about me, I work at an ice cream parlor & I’m allergic to shrimp. I’m not much of a talker, I’m usually the really quiet kid in class. And my notebooks usually end up being filled not only by class notes, but also a lot of random drawings & doodles.

    I guess that’s about it for now, well, I’m looking forward to learn new things from class then and wishing everyone a great semester!

  25. Tyra

    Iā€™m currently a freshman at city tech with a liberal arts and sciences major and this is my second semester. I graduated from Medgar Evers College Preparatory Highschool in June 2017. During my senior year, I played soccer and really enjoyed it. When coming to City Tech my major was suppose to be Dental Hygiene but because of complications with credits I had to choose to closest major that had to do with science since city tech doesnā€™t have a Biology major. I came to City Tech with 33 college credits. I took college courses in high school during 11th and 12 grade and was able to transfer all of them to city tech. After this semester, I plan on transferrring to a SUNY upstate to pursue a biology major. My dream career/ goal in life is to become a general dentist and open up my own office. Iā€™m 18 turning 19 in April and I was born here in Brooklyn. Both of my parents were born in Jamaica and migrated in the 90s. Iā€™m the youngest out of three kids and the only girl. Some of my favorite hobbies are working out, playing soccer and shopping. On my free time I love to sleep and eat. Thatā€™s about all for now.

  26. SHELLS.K

    Hi everyone
    Shelly K. here, I am seeking to be a Rad tech major but currently I am taking LAS, at the end of this semester I hope to increase my GPA in order to get in to the program. I’mĀ  currentlyĀ  taking this course as an elective,and I hope to grasp insight on notable fictional literature that will give me a better understanding of techniques use to create each work while also to just build my reading list.Ā I have indulged in a few good fictional reads in the past but of late I haven’t read anything that actually has gripped me to the point where I would want more. My last good read I must say was “Miss Peregrine home for peculiar children Hollow City by Ransom Riggs. There are 3 installments to this book ,I did manage to begin the first few chapters of the 3rd book “Library of Souls” but am yet to complete it. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to those who are fanatics of Science Fiction Fantasy and horror because frankly the book is AWESOME— well to me at least— Yes, I am a freak of nature when it comes to the genre of fictional fantasy and horror–gimme more–Anyway I guess my interest in this kind of thing is fitting to me taking this course so as aforementioned I hope to learn more about the fascinating world of English fiction and its artistry.

    1. Jody R. Rosen Post author

      Welcome, Shells.k! I’m sure there are many of you who enjoy reading science fiction. Did you know that you can take a science fiction course here? At least one of you knows that and is currently taking ENG 2420.


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