Throughout decades there has been a common misconception towards the fast paced world, college life is more than just attending lectures and doing homework. It’s also about getting ready for life after graduation. Sometimes students get caught up worrying about passing classes. They forget that some jobs want employees with strong work related experience.

I saw how true this was when I joined a club for civil engineering students at my college. This club did more than just talk about engineering topics; it was like a training ground for real-life job skills. 

In this club, we learned how to prepare for job interviews, which is really important for when you start looking for a job. We also practiced networking, which means building relationships with professionals already working in our field. This includes people who own companies or have a lot of experience. Making connections like this is super important because knowing the right people can help you get your foot in the door when you’re job hunting. In my recent semesters at college, I’ve noticed how academic challenges are often presented without proper support for students. Colleges need to do more than just teach academic subjects. They should also help students get ready for their careers by backing clubs that teach networking and practical skills. Some people might disagree. They believe that colleges are mainly for academic learning and that clubs and social activities can distract students from their studies. They also argue that money would be better spent on academic improvements than on social and professional development clubs.

However, not every college has clubs that focus on these practical skills, which is a big missed opportunity. Clubs that teach you real-life skills and how to connect with professionals can make a huge difference in your future. They can help bridge the gap between what you learn in your classes and what you need to know to get and succeed in a job. In Elizabeth Stone article, “How College Clubs Can Lead to Careers”, Elizabeth points out how important clubs and activities outside class are for building a career. It says, “McEuen and Slayton each made the most of their clubs and college extracurriculars: They chose them based on their interests, learned new skills, networked and later crafted effective resumes to best qualify for the internships and jobs ahead, all of which helped them find their way to work they love.” This shows us that joining the right clubs can be a big help in finding a job you’ll enjoy.

This story is a perfect example showing how college clubs do more than just fill your free time. They’re important steps towards building a career. 

Another piece of proof that shows how useful college clubs can be comes from a picture my civil engineering club posted on


In the photo, The Nycct club had invited the NYS Department of Transportation for an informational and on the spot interviews for students within the CMCE Department. Having guests like this is really helpful for students. These experts share secrets on how to succeed in their jobs and sometimes even offer to guide students personally. They might also help students get internships, which is a big step in starting a career. This example shows how colleges should really back up clubs and activities outside of class. These events help students get a chance to gain skills, make connections, and get experience that will help them in their jobs later on. Clubs, like the civil engineering club, show how important it is to learn things you can’t get from lectures alone, proving they’re a key part of getting the most out of college.

In conclusion , joining clubs and doing activities outside of class is really important for your future job. Elizabeth Stone’s article shows us that being active in clubs can teach you useful skills, help you meet important people, and figure out what you love doing. Colleges should help students get involved in these kinds of groups because it’s a big part of getting ready for life after school. It’s not just about learning from books; it’s also about getting ready for the real world. So, colleges should make sure to give lots of support to clubs and activities that help students get the skills they need for their jobs later on. This way, students can leave college ready for whatever comes next, not just with knowledge from their classes but with experience and connections that will help them in their careers.