Prof. Rosen | ENG 1121-D435 | Spring 2023

Discussion: Op-ed interests

As we are beginning to think about Project 2, in which you will write an op-ed, let’s think more about what topics you might want to write about. In a comment on this post, please share a brainstorm about topics you might want to write about. Your brainstorm can include possible topics and some freewriting about them. Remember that you will do some research to support your argument, but this should be a topic you care about, have some knowledge about, and feel comfortable making an argument about.

In addition to your brainstorm, find an op-ed on your topic, a related topic, or maybe just written in a style you like. Let’s share these and collect lots of examples we can use to develop a better sense of the genre, and that we can use as models for our writing. Share the link to the op-ed you find in your comment.

Not sure what an op-ed is exactly? We’ll talk more about it in class on Thursday, but feel free to look it up and add it to our glossary!


  1. IanS

    Aliens, society changing, the government we never knew we had.

  2. Jody R. Rosen

    I’m so interested to know more about your thoughts on these topics! There’s definitely an X-Files vibe to the three of them. Maybe you’re going to write an op-ed to be published in the Lone Gunman? (sorry if you’re not an X-Files fan you wouldn’t know what I’m talking about).

    Let’s think more about what opinion you would want to write about if one of these were your topic for the op-ed. Would it be something like “believing in aliens shows creative thinking in adults” or more like “the government is hiding the truth about aliens”? And what research could you use to support either of these arguments?

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