Prof. Rosen | ENG 1121-D435 | Spring 2023

Proposals for Project 2

In a new post with the category Project 2 Work, please share a proposal for your op-ed/opinion essay for Project 2. In your proposal, you can include:

  • the topic of your op-ed
  • the opinion you will argue for
  • the kind of information you want to use to support your opinion
  • what search terms and research plans you will use?
  • what your solution or call to action?
  • what plans do you have to keep on schedule with this project?


  1. IanS

    where do we send in the second essay?

    • Jody R. Rosen

      Hi Ian–you’ll submit your work as a post on our course site like you did for Project 1, but you’ll use the Project 2 Work category instead. Let me know if you have other questions!

  2. Biana

    1: How The effect of global warming includes rising temperatures is a serious threat to us humanity’s 

    2: I will argue that global warming is a serious issue that requires immediate action to address. The rising temperatures associated with global warming have a number of negative effects on the environment and on human health. For example, rising temperatures can lead to more frequent and severe heat waves, which can cause heat stroke, dehydration, and other health problems. They can also lead to more frequent and severe natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. In addition, rising temperatures can have a negative impact on ecosystems and wildlife. Many species are adapted to specific temperature ranges, and rising temperatures can disrupt their natural habitats and lead to declines in population. This can have a ripple effect throughout the ecosystem, leading to imbalances and disruptions that can have serious consequences. Finally, rising temperatures can have a negative impact on the economy, particularly in areas that rely on agriculture and tourism. Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can lead to crop failures and other agricultural problems, while more frequent natural disasters can damage infrastructure and discourage tourism. Overall, I believe that the rising temperatures associated with global warming are a serious issue that require immediate action to address. We need to take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to promote sustainable practices that can help to mitigate the effects of climate change. By doing so, we can help to protect the environment, human health, and the economy for future generations.

    3: To support my opinion that global warming is a serious issue that requires immediate action, I would use a variety of information related to the effects of rising temperatures. This might include data on the frequency and severity of heat waves, natural disasters, and other climate-related events, as well as information on the impact of these events on human health, the environment, and the economy.I might also draw on information related to the science of climate change, including data on the rise of greenhouse gas emissions, the melting of polar ice caps, and the acidification of the oceans. This information can help to illustrate the scale and urgency of the problem, and can provide a compelling case for the need to take action.In addition, I might use case studies and examples of communities and countries that have taken steps to address climate change, such as investing in renewable energy, promoting sustainable practices, and implementing policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These examples can help to demonstrate that solutions are possible, and can provide a roadmap for action.Overall, the information I would use to support my opinion would be varied and multifaceted, drawing on a range of scientific, economic, and social data to make a compelling case for the need to take action on climate change.

    4: To research the effects of global warming, I would start by searching for scientific studies and reports on the topic. Some search terms I might use include “global warming,” “climate change,” “rising temperatures,” “heat waves,” “natural disasters,” “environmental impact,” and “economic impact.”I might also look for news articles and opinion pieces that cover the topic, as well as documentaries and other media that provide an overview of the issue. To further refine my search, I might limit my results to studies and reports published within the last few years, or to sources from reputable scientific organizations and institutions.Once I have gathered a range of sources, I would review the information and look for common themes and trends related to the impacts of rising temperatures. I would also look for specific examples and case studies that illustrate the effects of climate change on human health, the environment, and the economy. Finally, I would synthesize the information I have gathered and use it to develop a compelling argument for the need to take action on climate change.

    5: Given the serious and wide-ranging impacts of global warming, my solution or call to action would be to encourage individuals, communities, and governments to take a range of steps to address the problem. At the individual level, this might include adopting more sustainable practices in daily life, such as reducing energy consumption, driving less, eating a plant-based diet, and reducing waste. Overall, my solution or call to action would be to encourage a multi-faceted approach to addressing global warming, one that involves individuals, communities, and governments working together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices.

    6: To keep on schedule with this project, I would begin by setting clear goals and timelines for each stage of the research and writing process. This might include setting deadlines for completing background research, drafting an outline, writing the first draft, and revising the final product I would build in some flexibility to the schedule, recognizing that unexpected events or challenges may arise that require me to adjust my timeline or goals. By staying organized, focused, and flexible, I am confident that I can keep on schedule with this project and produce a high-quality final product.

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