This message is for everyone in our class, but especially for anyone feeling a little lost, unsure, or stuck with our coursework or college in general. It’s also a shout-out to anyone who hasn’t made it to our classroom yet!

One Thursday each month, I host an OpenLab co-working hour for anyone in the OpenLab community. This month’s session is on Zoom, Thursday, 8/29, 10:30-11:30am.

Co-working is an opportunity to work alongside other people as a way of encouraging focus and stamina. It’s good peer pressure. It’s more informal than our not-so-formal classroom, quiet, and self-guided. When you join, you can work in the main room, or you can move into a break-out room if you want space to ask me questions or work with someone else without being silent.

It’s of course optional.

Bring your breakfast/coffee/snack, something to work on for an hour, and any questions you want to ask. See you soon!

Photo credit: “Makers + Spaces” by Sharon VanderKaay via Flickr under the license CC BY 2.0.