To really end this off properly we must begin to reflect on everything that has happened in this class. To do this we must begin to understand what this class is. This class is a class that has a purpose of helping you understand your majors regarding engineering, architecture, and construction management. It’s purpose is to get you to understand the basics of these majors and as we say get your foot in the door. You learn about the basics of these majors, from research in it, how it affects the real world and how to break it down and properly understand it. We’ve accomplished a real world understanding of the major we are in and what do you want to do in the future in regards to college and the future.

Now as this is said to properly understand this we should break it down to simply the assignments we did, specifically the projects we did. We started off with project 1 writing an education narrative in which we talked about are future, where we want to be, and what all led us to this current point. Then we did project 2 which is a reflective annotated bibliography in which we did research into a specific issue that was happening in our time and described how it ties in with our major. We used our research in different ways but we used our research to be able to be the foundation of project 3. Project 3 is the listicle in which we did for which we used the research in which we did in project 2 to create a simple listicle on it and a reflection on the listicle.

This is all important because the purpose of this was to show you as an individual or in this case me as a construction management major how exactly what I’m doing right now, how it affects the real world. It shows me an idea of what pursuing construction management is like and what this entails for the future. The truth is though looking at it the project I would want to keep to show my personal accomplishments is project 1 because it really describes why I’m doing what I’m doing now and it gives insight into my mindset.

Now as I say this though considering this is the ending of this class I must say that just like in life you learn things. The key thing for this I would say is if I had something to tell myself earlier it would be to make sure you learn everything you can now because it all affects the rest of your college experience. This goes into everything you do in college scheduling, major etc. Pay attention to details and make sure to be prepared. The advice I have for myself now to prepare for 2025 is simple: make sure you make college for you, not the other way around.

This has been a learning experience and the truth is what I take from this class is skills I experience I didn’t have before. Making a listicle, gaining a whole new perspective on writing, my major and future. You gain a lot from this class. The truth is I take the skills, the stories, the experience all with me from this line and beyond. I will take the experience writing with me, I will take the perspectives of others with me as well. The truth is you take as much as you are willing to give in regards to this experience. It’s all up to you. With that being said I thank you for the experience. The truth is this was an interesting start but one I won’t forget. (Also I posted my project 3 reflection as a comment to my listicle that I posted). Still thank you for the class. Have a good one Professor Rosen.