Let’s work together to get everything done!

Finally, Week 15:

  • Dates: Monday, 12/16-Wednesday, 12/18
  • Meeting Info: Each week, I post an agenda that will outline the week’s work. It will include instructions for you and links to readings, discussion questions, and other work.  We will work on developing community both in our classroom and in our online written community.  


  • to finish ENG 1101! That means also:
  • to catch up on any missing or late work and spend time revising Project 1, Project 2, and Project 3 to use as the basis for the Final Reflection and Portfolio.
  • To meet with me either in class or in student support hours (office hours) M 1:40-2:40, W 11:00-12:00, or by appointment, to check in about your work.
  • To complete the Student Evaluation of Teaching via Brighspace

To-Do This Week

Monday, 12/18: Revisions and Reflections


  • To help you prepare revisions for your Final Reflection and Portfolio, return to each of your projects for ENG 1101. For each, read through the instructions and your project. Read through my comments on the projects you submitted. As you work to figure out what you want to change, I offer some revision-oriented questions (adapted from Prof. Carrie Hall, formerly the Director of First Year Writing at City Tech):
    • What do l do well in this project? (List one or more aspects.)
    • What is my main point? What is the “so what” of this project?
    • Who is my audience? Do I use the right language and tone to reach that audience?
    • What specific part(s) of what I wrote were a bit confusing? Why?
    • What specifically could I do to clarify the unclear parts of this writing?
    • What details, facts, or stories could I add to enhance the essay?
    • What specific detail(s) do not work could be cut from the essay  or could be moved within the essay for more clarity?


  • Project 4: Final Reflection and Portfolio (including revised work) drafting
  • Submit any drafts that you want feedback on by class on Monday. I recommend you submit everything I haven’t yet seen any version of as early as possible so I can return it to you while you still have time to revise. If you want feedback on things you’re revising based on my comments, I’m happy to give more feedback about that as well.
  • Use these instructions for writing a post on the OpenLab if you’re not sure how to write a post. When you publish your work, remember to choose the appropriate category (Project 1 Work, Project 2 Work, Project 3 Work, or Final Reflection and Portfolio Work). Also choose if you want your post to be public (anyone can see it), private (only the two of us can see it), only for site members, or only for OpenLab members.

In Class:

  • We’ll use our class time to have a writing lab to finish any unfinished work, finalize any last drafts, ask and answer questions, get feedback, etc, so please consider bringing your laptop/tablet to class if you have one. One student can use the classroom computer. I’ll have my laptop to use to conference with each of you, but I can lend it if need be.
  • Meet with me in class or in student support hours right after class if you have questions about anything (ENG 1101 work, registration, life, college, anything!)
  • do all the things
  • ask questions
  • write
  • revise
  • offer advice to your classmates
  • Finish!

Wednesday, 12/20: Conclusions

In Class:

  • Remember to submit your final portfolio, which must include your final reflection, plus links to your education narrative (Project 1), your reflective annotated bibliography (Project 2), and your listicle plus analysis (Project 3). If you revised any of your projects, please add a paragraph at the end of the post explaining what you did to revise your work so I can focus my attention there.
  • If you have finished all of your work, congratulations on finishing!
  • If you have not finished your work, we will need to have a conference in class to work out a plan. You can do it!
  • I will also hold student support hours at the regularly scheduled times, 11:00-12:00, and can be available at other times either in person or on Zoom for a conference.

Have a healthy, safe, and restorative Winter Break! Spring semester begins on Saturday, January 25, 2025.

Photo credit: “Finish” by Tanakawho via Flickr CC BY-NC 2.0