Prof. Jody R. Rosen | ENG 1101-LC96 | Fall 2024

The Takeaway

`Time, the concept of time, usually wraps itself around someone’s head, not even the smartest people could tell the way time started.ā€™ Growing up I have always been energetic, always had a passion for sports, track and field in particular. My obsession started in elementary school; The Daniel Mucatel School and it followed me throughout my High School years. This obsession was like a magnet, something that is always pulling me. On the field I have never cared about peoplesā€™ opinions of me; my main priority were the fun moments and producing enough memories. Without a doubt, if you ever meet with a close friend of mine, they will always have the same response; they will say I am the energetic one in the group. Whether I was playing tag with the little kidsā€™ or even doing things that excite me, anything considered ā€˜funā€™.

On a late spring afternoon when I was 10 years old, that’s when I found my passion for track. I was in the backyard with my sister; we started playing tag, running and jumping over anything that came my way. As the game of tag started I ran as fast as I could, running into bushes scratching my calves and knees, seeing my skin separating, feeling the open wounds developing. While I was running I ran into a large log, jumping over that ā€œPhewā€ I said, as I looked back I saw my sister behind me. From pacing through the alleyway to running on a large 1,312.3 ft field. As I kept running I understood that running was my way of clearing my mind. Running makes me feel alive, it makes me feel amazing.

As I stepped on the field I let out a deep breath; As I heard ā€œGOā€ I shot up and ran as fast as I could, keeping my arms at a 90 degree angle. As I was running I felt the wind slapping against my face, to my right I was hearing ā€œkeep going Sapphire you’re almost thereā€ as I kept pacing myself running and running I stumbled on my shoelace; as I fell I remembered everything going in slow motion, my body tilted forward landing on my knees. All I felt was the polyurethane rubbing against my kneecaps. While I was on the floor I heard thoughts going through my head ā€œSapphire get up, Sapphire get up we have to win you cannot stay hereā€.

As I got up my impulsive thoughts were just to run, I did not dust anything off I just kept running. When I was running I passed everyone & managed to get back in 1st place; all I heard was ā€œYEAHH SAPPHIREā€ coming from the right of me.

As I ran I saw hurdles, 8 of them so I jumped as high as I could thinking I was in a mario game. ā€œSapphire you’re almost there, you’re almost thereā€ I said as I kept pacing myself to get to the finish line. As I reached the finish line I took off my shoes, my feet were on fire, as if thousands of shards of glass were under them. Walking up the bleachers to sit down I managed to fall due to how hot and dizzy I was. As I opened my eyes I felt about 10 people hovered around me, ā€œGet the waterā€ my coach said; ā€œA cold ragā€ Another shouted.

On the drive home, I was exhausted; I was extremely tired. When we finally got in the house I laid on the floor for about an hour until I finally got up. When I was in the shower I

 congratulated myself, as the water ran all through my hair follicles down to my feet. As I blossomed into a young lady I understood that track isn’t all about running and jumping, it’s also about mental health. I acknowledged that joining track has helped me with having a clear mind. 

ā€œWhat do you want to be when you get older?ā€ I kept seeing these same questions growing up as I felt like I failed myself. Realizing that I did indeed gain two additional years of school as I lacked my behavior. Growing up seeing people my age doing what I could have done actually made me think and question myself.

As I entered into High School the path that grasped my attention was wanting to be a Nurse Practitioner, I enjoyed helping people, I believed that my skills would have perfectly aligned with this field. As I looked deeper, about my sophomore year into High School I acknowledged that I did not want to take that path and I believed I could have done something more hands-on such as architecture. Being in the Architecture field can show me creativity, it can also develop skills that are applicable in areas such as person and professional. As I became an early graduate I wanted to make fast money; although I was working part time, I felt as if I could do something other than being an afterschool staff. I believed that working as a Sterilized Technician can fulfill my desires since it was fast money, including helping save peoplesā€™ lives.

Growing up I acknowledge I enjoy everything, and I can put my mind to anything I want. Along with wanting to be a Sterilized Tech I was also thinking about Real Estate. I can ensure that a Real Estate Agent and being an Architect will align perfectly together. 

So where would you hope to be in five years? In five years Iā€™ll be 25.. I hope to have an apartment by then. Going down the long run, I hope all the skills regarding architecture can help me create a beautiful house. I know I also want to continue the path to be an interior designer, I know everything will come into place. If I have not gone through certain obstacles and stages in my life I would not have kept going and pushing myself. Running has helped but most of all acknowledging that even though something difficult has happened that does not affect who I am, and will be moving forward. 

1 Comment

  1. MutthaherS

    Reading this article has inspired me much more into my major of architecture and technology because I didn’t really know much about what I was going to do for my major in my college and I was like just asking my friend and family what major is the best and after going through so many choices and checking all. the major’s, there was this one major that my dad told me about was architecture since he’s a contractor and has his own business of construction he told me that having a business of construction is good and you can make a lot of money as well but then he also said that having a business as an architecture is way ,more better then construction and even as an architecture worker you can make fast Money so then I thought about it and decided to choose architecture and technology as my major. But the real reason it inspired me a lot more now is because you also get creative in architecture and I like getting creative since I used to make animals and maybe actions figures and stuff like that with paper and some wires and also popsicle sticks. But the one thing I like doing a lot is called Origami. Origami is like making paper airplanes and animals and also fidget toys, but with paper only, nothing else needed. šŸ˜€

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