This semester, we will work collaboratively in this course and across our First Year Learning Community (FYLC). To get to know each other better, please add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class.

Think of what we did in class as verbal drafting for this comment, which can include more information, ideas, and even some links or images. You could write about what makes you happy or inspires you as a starting point and then include your academic interests, and what your focus will be, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, what you like to cook or eat, what the furthest away you’ve ever traveled, where you like to spend time, or anything else you want to share, and include your pronouns, if you wish. These are just some suggestions and not a requirement. Aim to write an introduction that’s approximately 150 words (that’s a goal, not a requirement).

Remember that you do not need to use your real name in this comment–if you are signed in, your display name will be autogenerated as the author of the comment, so no need to add it.

Also, remember that even if you don’t have an OpenLab account, you can still complete this assignment because you can still add a comment! If you haven’t been able to sign up for an account, you can still do this work by adding your comment and filling in the Name and Email fields–the name you use will show as the author of the comment, so feel free to just use your initials; your email address will only display for me to see.

Please add your introduction after we meet in class on Wednesday.

Get to know your classmates better by reading the comments!  Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Reply to any of your classmates’ comments.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you all!

Photo credit: “Hello My Name Is” by Travis Wise via Flickr under the license CC BY 2.0.