Prof. Jody R. Rosen | LC32 | Fall 2023

Discussion: First Source

You all have research topics now, and most of you have developed a research question. You might have already started researching your topic to get a better sense of what question you want to ask, or to have some background knowledge. We’re now going to begin choosing a source and writing an annotation for it.

In a comment below, please share your research question. Then share your source. If you’re not yet sure how to format a citation, do your best or just include the information you have. If you can add the link to it, that is very helpful.

Then use the details about Project 2 to begin drafting the summary, rhetorical analysis, and reflection that will make up the annotation for that source. The annotation will probably be about 300 words, but do what you can for the draft to help you get started and see what writing the annotation involves.

In class we’ll look at these drafts and at some sample annotated bibliographies.


  1. Madeleni Flores

    What are the J Webb telescope findings and how is this shaping the understanding of the universe? 



    To encapsulate my limited amount of research I have made so far, a telescope is a man-made apparatus used to see objects that we can’t see with the naked eye.The Hubble telescope has made profuse findings about the universe.  It’s one of the telescopes I’ve heard over and over in school.The J Webb telescope is a better version than the Hubble telescope by virtue of higher quality and an improved telescope. Three  findings I came across are quartz crystals detected in an exoplanet.  An exoplanet is any other planet that orbits a star that isn’t our star. Many bewitching pictures have been taken, one of which are known as “Young Stars In The Galaxy Next Door. In this picture, Astronomers discern NGC 346. Observing a cluster of stars in the constellation Tucana.  This one picture taken by J webb’s telescope astronomers can better understand “how many stars and protostars are present in the region.”   Which can lead into the understanding of the era in the universe, otherwise known as the cosmic noon.The cosmic noon is considered a Stellar birth where many stars start to form. Every galaxy in the universe goes through this process. The James Webb telescope discovered diamond-like carbon dust in the earliest stars in the universe. This discovery can indicate that the earliest galaxy’s formed more rapidly than thought before. If so, astronomers now ask “how did these young galaxies get enriched with carbon so quickly?” The J Webb telescope is still very new to us. It was just launched almost 2 years ago. Gradually with the passing of time we will have more and more finds. This will help all curious birds understand the universe even more, which will lead to answers and more questions. 

    • Jody R. Rosen

      This is a good draft of a summary of your source. Remember that you don’t include yourself in a summary, so you’ll need to revise the first line. You’ll need to include the other sections of the annotation, namely the rhetorical analysis, your reflection (that’s where you can write about your experience with the source), any additional quotations, and some keywords or tags. Let’s talk more to see how to expand this annotation for Project 2.

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