Reading Assignment Oct 19th

Hello everyone!

Where is Voyager I now?

Please do not forget to fill in the forms for the BNL field trip on October 28 (first come first served). If you submitted a form and you cannot come please let me know in advance so I can offer the seat to someone else (there are only 25 seats available)

Last but not least please do not forget to read chapters 1 and 2 in my thesis under Publications or by clicking here PhD_Thesis

Keep on doing the great work!


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3 Responses to Reading Assignment Oct 19th

  1. Tony Aguirre says:

    By the way the Voyager satallites have a velocity of apprx. 390 million kilometers per year.

  2. Antonio says:

    The following link is for real-time updates as to the distance of Voyager 1&2 from the Earth and Sun.


  3. According to the NASA Articles, it is somewhere in the helioshealth (im not sure if i spelled it correctly) somewhere right outside the solar system.

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