Unit 1 Weekly Assignments

Education- Outline (draft )

  1. Intro
  2. Education is needed tool to enhance your career path.
  3. The benefits of when you continue your education, will develop more opportunities and financial growth.
  4. In my opinion education, will  present more opportunities for financial growth.



  1. Successes in life is surrounded by many different factors. One thing I believe contributes to a level of successes is education.   As an Africa American I truly understand the importance of having education.  Our Civil Rights leaders advocated for better education for Africa Americans to develop better jobs and career growth.


  1. Education is needed to obtain success and financial growth in today’s world.
Announcements Weekly Assignments

Week 6: 3/8-12

Due by Mon. 3/8 @ 6PM:


“Reflective Writing and the Revision Process: What Were You Thinking” by Sandra Giles


This week, you’re really doing it! You should post a draft of your first essay by Monday 3/8 @ 6 PM so that your peer review partners (to be assigned in class Monday) and I can read over your draft in preparation for giving you feedback in our peer review session on Wednesday 3/10.

Write a rough draft of your Education Narrative, and file your post under the Category “Unit 1” by Monday @ 6 PM. Pay attention to the requirements and helpful tips on the assignment page, and email me directly with any questions!

Discussions Weekly Assignments

How to read like a writer –

In The article of Mike bunn he writes “You are already an author”  I believe he refers to us specially students on how we write in the daily basis from emails to assignments to cover letters , I believe that writing or being an author  goes beyond writing articles or books but more of what you yourself wrote and that could be anything as it would classify us as the author of it, even though  I personally mostly write for school specially English as this where I’m needed to write essays or assignment based on analization from a context.

In “How to read like a writer “ reminds of how different I read in my English classes compare to the way I read for other classes as in other classes I read for the purposes of understanding the context as whole however  when reading to write is different  because you’re reading while looking for techniques and strategy that writer used while also reading to understand why the writer used such techniques and the effects it has in the readers to be able translate it into your own writing .

This article has lot of good advice that would contribute to making my writing better but some of the things that I’ve noticed in Mike bunn article that I’d like to mostly use in my own writing is the asking myself questions before the reading as I do ask myself questions after reading but never before I think this actually something that’ll very useful to help me be more focused on what I’m looking for in the text ,I would also like to use the method of starting with a  quote as I feel like sometimes I struggle on how to start an essay but if I started it with the purpose then I can go straight into the explaining which would be a lot easier.