Unit 1 Weekly Assignments

Education (Rough Draft)

When I think about my education journey, a couple of things happen in middle school, which became my transitional point to take education more seriously.    One thing I learned in middle school is the importance of obtaining an education.   In middle school I was more focus on playing sports and I encounter a harsh reality that jeopardize the one thing I work hard for.   During this time, I was also introduced to African American history.  The exposure to African American history had an impact on my perception on education.    The phrase “ You Must Learn”  became my theme, in my opinion education is needed and to achieve overall success.

I remember my first year of attending middle school.  I had one  goal of making the basketball team.  I  practice all summer to make it on the school basketball team.  I made the basketball team, and top it off, I had a starting position on the team.   During the school years, my grades started to slip a bit.  One of the rules to play on the team you had to pass all your assigned classes.  The Coach advises me to improve my grades or risk being cut from the team. In my mind, the coach cannot cut me from the team; I am one of the best players.   My grades did not improve, and in the first big game of the year, I was cut from the team and could not play pending the improvement of my grades.  I was  devastated about this outcome; I went home intending to convince my mother to come to the school to help get back on the team because I felt this was unfair to treat one of the best players in this manner.

When I got home, and explain to my mother the cruel and vicious thing the coach did and how she had to do something about it.  My mother asks why you were cut from the team.  I took a deep breath and explained my grades has slipped since I join the group.  My mother looks at me and recites once again, “I told you to be successful in life, you need education  You Must Learn.”   I stood there in total shock at her not taking my side in this matter.  My mother and father had a long talk about the status of my grades.  What I got the most out of the conversation my father kept saying, “You Must Learn” no matter how good I was in basketball, it will never trump the importance of education,”    I took on a new approach to on my focus of an education.   This was the first dramatic impact on my education journey; the second was my Social Studies class.

The thing that grabs my interest in social studies class was the material was present.  The teacher was an Africa American woman name, Ms. Rains.   On the first day of class, Ms. Rains advise us, she will be implementing African American history in her class and American history.   At the time, Africa American history was not a common subject in the school system.  The majority of the students were  Africa American, and at the time, our music of choice was Hip Hop.   Ms. Rains was very creative in how she presented black history.   She uses hip-hop to grab our attention.  At the time, a musical artist named KRS 1 had just published a song title “You Must Learn.”  This song spoke about the imbalance on how black history not being part of the school system.   The song also spoke about famous black people. For example, Benjamin Banneker invented the almanac, Granville Woods, the first African American mechanical and electrical engineer. Lewis Howard Latimer, an African American inventor, is just a  few famous people.  This was the first time I was exposed to African American history.

Discussions Unit 1 Weekly Assignments


My perspective of education has changed over the years .

Learning new languages, adapting to a new curriculum was not always as easy.
My emotions in middle school to beginning of high school were feeling scared of embarrassing myself or frustrated because I was doing something simpler than other kids.

Being someone that doesn’t like asking for help or even asking twice when I didn’t understand made me work harder as soon as I got home I would be trying to figure out what the words meant ,I would only watch tv ,read books in Spanish till I spoke it but when I was studying in Switzerland ,I realize that it’s easier and faster to learn languages when your communicating and letting yourself make mistakes.

In terms of grades and getting my work done I always tried my best  ,as I got older I started adapting quicker enabling me to fully learn and feel more comfortable as when I was growing up even when I spoke the language, I was very shy, specially back in Spain, one of the things teacher would always say that I would never put my hand up despite knowing the answer or having finished earlier than the rest and barely talked.

I actually did enjoy  learning when I was young but when I moved high schools to the UK I started falling behind ,at first I always kept to myself  trying to adapt but in high school everything was different.

Between lack of motivation and being distracted I limited myself from learning and it did not help that I didn’t really like the school, at that  point I was only looking forward to the fun at lunch time and after school rather than how to get good grades. I left with 3 Gcse which according to my school I wouldn’t be able to “move forward “.

My college experience it’s what made me focus back in school, this one particular teacher really helped me ,she made sure me and my friends always completed our work at the best possible ,she would tell us to stay over and review what we done so far to help us even though we wasn’t the best students but she always looked out for us and kept us from getting in trouble and excluded as schools in UK are very strict ,as well the course I was doing was art and travel and tourism, getting to go out and travel every now and then was a nice experience which made us enjoy the course more and kept us motivated to pass the class. The qualification from this school and my high school is what brought me here today as this is what got me into this university/college and opened many opportunities for me.

In conclusion at this present day I believe education is very important and that my experience has helped shape me into the person that I am as to me this was more than just education ,this is something that plays a big part in my personal life, it didn’t only give me qualifications but also is the reason why I am able to speak 4 languages fluently, and able to adapt quickly not to mention the knowledge it gave me.


Weekly Assignments

Draft – Karen Hermita

My only desire was to learn of the people who came before me. To be proud of the individual I am and who I seeked to be. Being raised in New York allowed me to educate myself and interact with different cultures and people from various ethnicities. All my life I thought I had an inclusive knowledge of various ethnicities and their struggles.Till I realize that I had never learned of the impact the hispanic community had on the development of the United States. ​My unknowledgeable understanding of the struggles of Minorities, is representative of a more comprehensive problem that occurs within the educational school system of the U.S.
As I mentioned before I grew up in an extremely diverse community, however not everyone is fortunate enough to be surrounded by different cultures and ethnicities. Due to the environment I was raised in I thought I would receive an inclusive educational curriculum, however that wasn’t the case. I was fifteen when I first learned about the “Chicano Movement” which can be referred to as “El Movimiento.” As a Mexican- American it was astonishing to have never heard of a movement that advocated for social and political empowerment, especially since it was my own community that had to endured decades of discrimiation in southern areas of the United States. At seventeen I learned about the Tulsa Race Massacre this was a year after I had finished my US history curriculum. Although the Tulsa RAe Massacre is known as one of the deadliest riots in U.S history it was never mentioned during my segregation unit. Who was supposed to tell that the worst incident of racial violence that has ever occurred in the US, was also the least known.
My lackluster knowledge of the struggles that my community and other minorities, represents how the educational school system of the U.S. has failed us. The lack of representation of individuals from various ethnicities and racially distinct groups in American textbooks and their achievement; reveals how students have trouble identifying the significant role they have on society.