Unit 3


Developing my topic question was a challenge; I ponder different ideas. For example, I thought about the current situation at the border in Texas regarding families trying to enter the United States for refuge.  Undoubtedly, that would have been an interesting topic; however, we have thousands of people living in the United States who need shelter.  We classified them as homeless, but how did they get to this point.  Just think about it we have thousands of people trying to enter the United States for refuge and a better life; also, thousands of people living in the United States seek the same thing.  Another way to look at it, living in New York City, you may cross a homeless person on the train, park, or the store. Has it ever crossed your mind how did this person end up homeless?  It formulated the question: What are the contributing factors that generate homelessness in the United States?  In addition, I worked in a city shelter that provides services for the homeless population. I have noticed each year; the numbers of homelessness increase around New York City.  Homelessness is not just, and New York City issues this misfortune of homelessness affects many States.  This assignment presented the opportunity to explore some of the contributing factors to the cause of homelessness.   Most people will narrow homelessness down to job loss, wrong career decisions, or substance abuse.  Homelessness goes much deeper my research presented a variety of issues to the cause of homelessness.

My research proved an abundance of information; most was gear around opinions and an inclusive statement about the growing issue of homelessness.   The first article I selected was Homelessness, Poverty, and Social Exclusion by Marybeth, a professor at Vanderbilt University.  What is unique about this article it provides homelessness on a global scale.  The article proved homelessness data from different countries and displayed the United States as one of the highest homelessness rates.  I also obtain information from a Non-Profit agency specializing in collecting data to solve homelessness in the United States.  My last resource of data is the YouTube page that gets data and implemented some solutions for homelessness.

I intend to target young adults ages twenty-one to thirty-five. I feel there is a lack of awareness of the homelessness issue taking place in the United States.  My research also uncovers that this age bracket (21 to 35) is the highest homelessness rate.   Each year the homeless numbers continue to rise. Homelessness is affecting many young adults as they transition to full adulthood hood.  My research uncovers policies and the lack of funding from our federal Government are contributing factors towards homelessness.   My object is to enlighten and encourage people to get involve with resolving the ongoing issues with homelessness. The age bracket is the new frontier to implement change.  The best method to reach this age bracket is utilizing a PodCast.  Data supports young adults’ gravitas towards social media, verse the traditional newspaper or magazine for information.

Selecting a PodCast as the best method to reach my target audience starts with a song that tends to catch many people’s attention.   The song is an old song; however, the message is solid and transparent.  The title of the song is “Wake Up Everybody” by Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes.   When the music comes up on the lyrics ” There is so much hatred, war, and poverty,”  the open dialogue will tackle my first two topics, poverty, and social exclusion.  Funding will is the last item and will lead into the closing song by Aloe Blacc title “I need a dollar.”  The reason I selected this song is to encourage people to donate to charities to help the homeless.  For example, National Alliance to End Homelessness, Urbanpathways, and Breaking Ground are all non-profit organization that depends on donation to assist with the fight against homelessness. If we all donate a little, no one will have to contribute a lot to generate more funding for homelessness.

In conclusion, doing the Pod Cast was kind of awkward.   The most complex challenge was trying to organize the data and present it in a convincing matter.  Overall, I think it came out good.  If I could couple of things is to have a cohost to take some of the pressure.  It was more of a challenge sitting alone in front of a lab top talking to myself and not getting a reaction from my intended audience.  Ultimately, I believe my presentation of the data is convincing.

Unit 3 Weekly Assignments

Artist’s Statement (Final Draft)


The future generations are comprised of the children of today; hence they become the greatest determinants of how the future will look like. Parents play a great role in the development of their children, including molding their future. Even though, teachers play a greater role in the lives of the children more than parents. The main reason for the situation is because children spend most of their time growing up in schools more than at home. In most cases, the teachers who create immense impact in the lives of the children are those that encouraged them and showed them the correct way to handle life situations. On the other hand, teachers who kept on discouraging them and mocking their weaknesses also impact their lives, but in this case, it is a negative impact. The education system measures success by the grades the children acquire, and the teacher’s performance, on the other hand, has its measure as the content in which the children have in their minds at the end of different sessions. Performance in both the level of the teacher and the student has its measurement technique as the tests in which the students participate at the end of a specific period. Curiosity is also essential in the lives of children in different ways. There is a great connection between curiosity and exploration. If it were not for curiosity, many of the modern-day innovations could not exist. Normally children learn faster than adults. It insinuates that if children have ample time to satisfy their curiosity, they will have better life results than adults. When children learn various things from the satisfaction of their curiosity, they would often remember the concept for a long time. In most cases, people do not satisfy their curiosity as older adults often shut them up and assume that the children’s curiosity will bring negative repercussions. Children should have the opportunity to satisfy their curiosity at different levels to get answers to different useful things.

Artist’s Statement

I have read different articles that discuss how children use various techniques to ensure that they acquire the knowledge they need with ease. The most striking article I came across discussed how a particular kindergarten school was engaging children in arts, games, and crafts before interacting with the real curriculum of normal subjects like Science and Mathematics. According to the article, the program’s main aim is to ensure that the children explore themselves to find what excites them more than the rest. Looking back at my life, I wished to have gone through a similar curriculum, and I would not have some regrets that I have in my life. I feel like the curriculum would minimize the time that I wasted fumbling with various facts trying to get ideas on what path I want to pursue in life. Growing up, I had so much curiosity, and I feel as if I did not satisfy it enough. In this case, I wanted to interact with the other form of reality on how life would turn out when my curiosity would get the satisfaction it needed.

The main audience of the project is the different school teachers who happen to be the main stakeholders in the encouraging or shuttering of the curiosity of the different students. The main avenue will be through school magazines, where most teachers get their information on what is happening in the school curriculum. Teachers are also people who enjoy reading, and an article would work well as reflective reading is what most teachers value. It is the hobby of many teachers to read and critique various texts as most of them encourage their students to read, and they want to set a good example for them to follow. Pathos will be an appropriate platform for passing the information as teachers are mostly emotional, especially about their work. Logos will also be instrumental in giving the evidence of the proposal and how effective the article is in the educational curriculum. Ethos will also be effective to show the credibility of the points that I will put across in the article.

Numerous articles and newspapers have tackled the situation differently and will be instrumental in my project. I plan to search for all the articles that discuss the faultiness of the current curriculum and those that give appropriate solutions concerning fulfilling the children’s curiosity. Most articles agree with allowing children to explore their life options by fulfilling their curiosity. There is also an emphasis on strict supervision of the children when they are engaging in activities of curiosity exploration. Initially, I thought that short stories would be instrumental in my project, but I realized that I would not cover as much content as possible. I also realized that my target audience is teachers who do not cherish short stories like children. The implementation of the project makes me proud, and I am happy that I am impacting society in different ways.

Announcements Portfolio & Reflection Weekly Assignments

Week 15: LAST WEEK!!


As promised, here is a video explainer for the Final Portfolio and Reflection – your LAST assignment in this course. (Yes, I know I made it last semester, but again just the deadlines are different – the assignment is the same). It is due Tuesday 5/18 @ 5 PM, and must include the following:

  1. (Revised) Unit 1 Assignment
  2. (Revised) Unit 2 Assignment
  3. (Revised) Unit 3 Assignment
  4. Final Reflection

N.B. As it says on the Final Portfolio Assignment page, you must write a brief note introducing each revised essay explaining what you’ve changed. The length of these notes should be in accordance with how significantly you revised: if you only tinkered with grammar/spelling/punctuation (everybody should do more than that), you would only write a sentence or two; if you rewrote the essay from the ground up, a full paragraph is more like it.

You MUST submit these Final Portfolios using the “Portfolio & Reflection” category tag – if you don’t I won’t see them and you won’t get a grade.

I go into lots of detail about the Final Reflection on the assignment page and also in the video I posted above. If you have ANY questions whatsoever, I will be available this Wednesday from 3-4 or by email anytime. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Seeing as it’s finals week next week, I don’t want to crowd you’re already busy week with a Zoom class session in which we say goodbye. I’m not that much of a softie. As such, it’s vital that you reach out to me AS SOON AS you run into any confusion about this final assignment, as the 5/18 deadline is firm and final. 

It’s been a pleasure getting to know you this semester, and best of luck moving forward.