Due by Wed. 2/17 @ 6PM:
- “Backpacks & Briefcases: Steps Toward Rhetorical Analysis” by Laura Bolin Carroll
- “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan
WRITE: In this article, Carroll discusses the term genre at length, and describes how writing with genre in mind shapes what you write and how you write it. This week, I want you to write a post of at least 300 words describing a genre that you interact with a lot – it could be subway advertisements, comic books, YouTube vlogs, anything. The key is to choose something you know well. With that genre in mind, discuss what the conventions of that genre are – think about length, tone, language, medium, humor, etc. What makes your chosen genre the genre it is?
What genre is Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue”?
*Note: No class Monday 2/15 because of the holiday weekend.*