
Shitty First Drafts

My view on the writing process kind of changed when I read “Shitty First Drafts.” When answering last week’s questions I didn’t put writing drafts into consideration since I was never really a fan of doing drafts, had drafts not been a part of the high school grading policy I would have never put my time and energy into writing them. In Lamott’s writing, I learned that we both first create some sort of opinion or idea, and then we both know what to expect. Thanks to Lamott’s writing I now can understand the true importance of a draft. 

In LaMotts writing “Shitty First Drafts”  I learned a professional writer is not always ready the first time. I learned that she writes multiple drafts on consecutive days since she has a clearer mindset on a different given day. I feel as if this one great technique I can borrow since I like to do all my drafts in one day. I feel as if adding this technique will have a much greater impact on my writing because I will now be able to write with a better mindset as opposed to rushing everything. I now understand that taking my time into writing a draft is essential to make me a better writer.

Discussions Intro

“How to Read Like a Writer” – Karen

In the article, Mike Bunn writes “you are already an author”; I believe he means that we ourselves are already writers. We have our own way of writing on certain topics. For example, certain things I write already are assignments, messages, emails, reading, and journaling. There are different ways of analyzing certain texts. There are different expertise that will help in college reading and writing but it will all have to depend on the student. As mentioned in the article you as a person have to decide what you wish to keep and discard/ what will be useful for themselves that they know they can use properly. 

There were certain things that I decided to keep in mind that I had noticed in Bunn’s article in which I will like to try in my own writing. One will be asking questions to take more out of the certain thing I might be reading. Usually, for assignments, I go into the reading for specific answers and don’t really keep in mind what I wish to have in my own writing. That is something that I will take action in. Something else I will work on is to write ideas on things I would have change/ add if I were the one writing it.



One word that describes how I am feeling is nervous. Since everything is online I forget on what deadlines are due. I am not use to planners but it is something I will have to learn.

Image result for overwhelmed picture

This picture relates to me right now since I don’t have anything manage. It something I slacked of this week and am currently working on it.