Unit 2

“Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts”

I agree with Franzen’s ideas that there is a difference between loving and liking something. When we like something, we just get involved with it on the surface without much emotions involved, and you cannot go to the extent of sacrificing a lot for its sake. As Franzen says, liking makes one look at things from a distance and express their dissatisfaction about how things are done without taking a meaningful step to change the situation. When we like, we do not engage in real-world issues, and we probably live a lie. However, when one loves something, their heart goes for it, and they are fully committed to acting selflessly in its favor. Loving makes one develop a deep and meaningful relationship with something and learn how to deal with challenges that come along the way.
Based on Franzen’s ideas which I agree with, my relationship with my smartphone makes me concerned. I am worried that I have a high liking tendency of technology that sometimes I forget to experience real love that can only be acquired by physically having a relationship with real people and real animals. I find myself spent hours in social media apps, trying to connect with friends in a visual world, seeking likes and recognition from people that I barely know. I have realized that with technology, people put more focus on appealing to others. I am worried that if I keep liking for the rest of my life, I will struggle to find a meaningful relationship with people and things in my surrounding environment. For that reason, I am planning to reduce my obsession with liking technology and spare time to move out and meet real people and real animals because it is out there that I can develop love and create meaningful relationships.

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