Discussions Unit 1

Education And Me

Education has always been a big part of my life, back when I used to live in the Dominican Republic to coming to New York and struggling to learn English. The importance of education always of been told to me by my parents and family members and even some friends. If it were not for what I learn day in and day out, I would be a complete different person.

My experience with education started in a school in DR, from what I can remember they had the basic classes and an English class, some PE but for the most part it was bare-boned. The only memories I have are from English, from what I can remember this tried really hard to get us to use the word lunchbox for some reason, even telling us to ask our parents to prepare our lunchbox, even though my parents don’t speak English.

My experience with education continued when I first to moved to New York, My first school was PS 333 at first it was difficult I struggled to learn English even to the point the I failed the grade cause of it.

High School were most of my memorable times with education happen because I was learning both education material  but I was also learning real world skills.




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