Unit 1

Week 4 _ Sara Reyes

As I think about the history in my education I always remember being in bilingual class and not knowing how to speak/read English. Growing up we weren’t allowed to speak English at home and being in a bilingual class where we only spoke Spanish, learning English wasn’t a priority.
I didn’t learn English until I was in the 4th grade where bilingual classes was being phased out. I remember memorizing how to spell some words and my class mates finding my method hysterical. I would say the word in Spanish and the teacher would always correct me but it was only because that's how I would be able to remember the spelling.
It was hard having friends since I didn’t speak English and they didn’t speak Spanish. I remember I would laugh and nod at everything they say because I didn't know what they were saying. When I finally learned English it was like I discovered a whole new world.
I take education very seriously. I didn’t have the luxury of speaking English. I struggled heavily to learn English especially spelling the words being that not all letters are pronounced; which is the case in Spanish.
My relationship to education makes me more passionate about reaching the highest level of education. There’s so much to learn and teach.

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