Rick Redznak | D038 | Fall 24

Category: Uncategorized (Page 3 of 3)

Class 4 – Spring 24

Class Info

  • Date: Thursday 26, 2024
  • Meeting Info: 2:15 to 5:35
    P 114

DROPBOX COMD3527 Spring 24





  • Logotype Critique (approx 30 minutes)
  • As we continue to develop our typographical identity for Shake Station, let’s review some of the principles of typography (we discussed some during last class)
  • Review the main elements of visual hierarchy.
    • Image, color and type (typographic legibility)
  • Poster Design

Remember that designing is not just selecting a typeface and changing size 🙂

    • Characteristics of the typeface
    • Variations of Type (Width/Weight/Posture)
    • Case (Upper case/ lower case/ U&lc)
    • Alignment (careful with decision)
    • Type on a path. Careful with vertical paths and curves
    • Line Height and Word Spacing (Leading/ tracking and kerning)
      • Kerning: Large type (above 24pts) MUST almost always be adjusted
      • Tracking: Avoid excessive tracking lower case letters (looks odd)
        If tracking UC, should be to limited amount of words (like a title)
    • Positioning (composition/ How it reads?)
    • Scale
    • Color
    • Contrast

PDF Visual Hierarchy Basics





During Class

Participation Activity




In Illustrator CREATE a 5 ” x 3″
1 artboard document


Place the following JPG > EMBED and change its color


Jeans– Photo by M Giuliani


How to make a JPEG/ Grayscale so that you can change color



Change the color of the JEANS image to one color of your choice.

First let’s make a swatch.

To create a swatch of colors do the following

Go to WINDOW> COLOR> menu>CMYK. Enter a recipe, then CREATE a NEW SWATCH
Name your color> COLOR TYPE >SPOT COLOR. Then OK

If you go now to WINDOW> COLOR > SWATCHES, you will be able o see your color as an option. Additionally, you will be able to use the slider to change the tint of the color.



Then–In one text box type in the word Hello like this:





Make it 72 points

and select a non script typeface (a different one for each line)

it will look something like this:

Control the leading to make them closer (OBSERVE: What is happening?)

OBSERVE: Word spacing: What is happening?



Change the color of the type (OBSERVE: What is happening?)

Change the alignment (OBSERVE: What is happening?)


Make it look better (do not copy mine, use your judgement)


Take a screenshot of your final version and

  • Make a new post:

    ADD title  “yourlastname_firstname_PA_feb15_details”

    Under the GEAR to the right of the screen GO to DOCUMENT>CATEGORIES, then check the following categories: 
    “Student Post ” and “Participation Activity”

    Add your image as a JPG:
    •   yourlastname_firstname_PA_feb15_details.jpg
  • PUBLISH (Open lab has a little delay when posting. Avoid posting numerous times)


Research or Create images:

Although this is a type heavy identity, you may use some imaging. If you source them, they MUST be free to use and adhere to their licenses.


Read the following article:

In the Spotlight: Finding Public Domain & Creative Commons Images


RESEARCH at least 5 images


In Illustrator, create an 11 x 8.5 document
Place your research

Here is my example. I am exploring a few possibilities: Resource the images, take my own photos or draw my own icons.

Keep track of research/typefaces and sources.


Design Continuity

What is design continuity?
Our posters are going to help us establish a look, and the overall feel and vibe of the festival. This will carry throughout your designs


POSTERS or Book:

We will design a poster or book for print
to promote the shake station festival.

Start thinking of design continuity- You will start now designing elements of a typographical brand/look- logo, fonts, icons, colors.

One DESIGN for this poster 11×17 or book- can be double sided. Portrait only for poster. Use different fonts- 1 or 2,-3 fonts MAX.

Us the copy from the pdf, logo, fonts, icons and colors to make this poster or book exciting and easy to read. Print out options. Add bleed to file, use indeisgn only.

Add one (or more) call to action for the poster or book cover.

add – www.shakestaton.com
Social Media (Instagram) icon and add a QR Code


Full color ok


The following text must be included:




Add your logotype



Example Gallery: Please note that sizes and copy vary. These show how others solved this problem. Create your own.






Due next class- note there is no class next week

1 poster or book

print it out and will look at them in class.

For folding ideas









Print will follow printer’s spreads, rather than logical order of reading

CLASS Last day remarks 🙂

by Prof G

Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class DROPBOX drive unless indicated otherwise. Assignments done or uploaded during class time on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities are due during class and are named and posted as indicated by instructor.

Class 5 – FALL 24

Class Info

  • Date: Oct 10, 2024
  • Meeting Info: 2:15 to 5:35
    P 114


  • Vendor Poster Design– EDIT. We all need to edit our posters.
    • Be reflective: What is working? What is not working?
      • Following a grid?
      • You are limiting the use of typefaces to two?
      • Is visual hierarchy clearly established?
      • Is type size appropriate?
      • Is there contrast between foreground and background?
      • Alignment is organized or does it seem scattered?
      • Is anything out of proportion?
      • Are images credited? and can be used?
  • Motion (First talk about typography and motion)

Participation activity> During Class

After Effects: First Looks at type in motion

1. After Effects Basics TRANSFORM tools

New Composition in After Effects: 1080 x 1080 pixels. Enter: Duration 0;00;05;00 (this is 5 seconds). Add a background color.
Go to LAYER>NEW>TEXT> Add a word
Go to LAYER>NEW>TEXT> Add a second word
Make sure that you have two layers

I have to layers (COMD3505 and TUESDAY. Select Typeface, size, variable such as weight or posture)

NOTE: THE ANCHOR POINT determines where things move from. By default it is placed lower left of the layer.

If you need to move your anchor point to the center. Click on the layer hold command and double click on the pan behind icon

Select one of your layers and open Transform> This will show you the basic TRANSFORM tools of After Effects.
Move the time indicator on the timeline. Hit the Stopwatch to create a keyframe for Scale and Opacity. This is showing that on the 7th second of the animation. COMD3505 will be at 100% size and 100% opacity
Move the time indicator back. make changes to Scale and Opacity. This is showing that on second .5– COMD3505 will be at 0% size and 0% opacity.

Due next class

Menu Design:
We will now design a MENU for Shake station. You choose the size. Make sure it’s easy to read and branded. Print out for next class.

Use your logo, colors and fonts from style guide.
Full color ok
Image or vector illustatons

Edits to one VENDOR poster— Hand in to me printed. This is the one I will grade

YES DUE: Due next class

Edits to one posters— This is the one I will grade

Take a screenshot (with no guides please) of the artboard



Series of Banners

Take ONE screen shot of your banners side by side (with no guides please)


Place in Dropbox
DROPBOX COMD3527 Spring 24


FYI Grading Rubric Posters

Schedule/ Items must be completed and Placed in Dropbox -5 for each missed step (late or not done)

Naming Convention and format
(-5 each)
Aesthetics / Typography / others   From -0 to -25  Edited Posters

No edited version  -10  

FYI Grading Rubric Banners

Schedule/ Items must be completed and Placed in Dropbox -5 for each missed step (late or not done)

Naming Convention and format
(-5 each)
Aesthetics / Typography / others   From -0 to -25  Edited Banners

No edited version  -10  

Print will follow printer’s spreads, rather than logical order of reading

CLASS Last day remarks 🙂

by Prof G

Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class DROPBOX drive unless indicated otherwise. Assignments done or uploaded during class time on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities are due during class and are named and posted as indicated by instructor.

Class 7 – FALL 2024

Class Info

  • Date: Oct 31, 2024
  • Meeting Info: 2:15 to 5:35
    P 114


Midterms grades and Vendor posters grades are in. Today is the last day to review menus. We will review your 3 totes printed and pick one for final next week.
New project use class 6 to make a after effects design.

Adjust typographics (correct tracking/leading/others)
Edit Speed
Edit Color and foreground and background relationship, so that the typography reads well.

Continued Uniformity with Design

  • The Typographic Grid
    • Why do we use a grid?
    • Columns, Rows, Modules and Zones
  • Style Sheets
    • Why do we do style sheets?
    • The difference between paragraph and character style sheets

Participation Activity

2nd part of class- use class 6 to make a after effects animation. Practice in class, when finished place file in your folder- do this during class.

SKIP THIS—-In InDesign

Create a a new document
11″ x 17″ document

Margins: .5 inches all around

8 columns
.25 gutter

2 pages


set document

Should look like

Select Parent PAGE
Enter info as shown. Sometimes you need guides from the top (edge) and sometimes from the margin

Should look like this

You should add additional rows (with gutters) if you are working with zones and modules)

A more complex grid will give you more possibilities


Start placing this for position only copy. Start to think of hierarchy, placement, use of negative space (within the page). Create a good and attractive typographic composition!

We will review how to maintain copy together (linked), rather than copy and pasting pieces of the copy, and how to place accurately to the grid.

Once you have a good typographical composition.

Take a screenshot


PLACE in DROPbox (not Open Lab)

Due next class

Print out 1 tote bag for final review, hang up in class and place a jpeg in your folder.

Place 1 Animation made with after effects in your folder. Use steps from class 7.

Make a shake station 1080×1080 social media ad.

Use copy: For you SEAFOOD lovers! FISH FILLET. Come try our new menu.

Design this with type, color and logo. Use your style guide.

Compressed version as specified class 6.



Print will follow printer’s spreads, rather than logical order of reading

CLASS Last day remarks 🙂

by Prof G

Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class DROPBOX drive unless indicated otherwise. Assignments done or uploaded during class time on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities are due during class and are named and posted as indicated by instructor.

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