CALENDAR of EVENTS This is introductory copy with two paragraphs comniame landust quae voluptam eossus que cus si sequi ut hilluptatur, que sit experibus et aut fuga. Uciunt fugitat magnatquam re quis aut uta sim utem antia consendit aliassimi, simolup tatinis aut quam, aborae molor ra natis excerume mos cuptat. Ibusapit as simi, sam estiume modi aut volorepudae. Ut ommolor ionseces et as aborum que coris ad ulparis escium et mos eos maio molorit quae vollabo. Um renis aruptatiur? This is the placee of the event This is how to get there by train or bus These are the hoursHours: 10am to 9pm This is a list of participating vendors alibearum nam quatemposa riorrum excerfere Ipsum quunt nobis a dolutasped Quatia dolora et volu Mugiaecto tecta de Qoffictur minvelendae Nam quas Que pa consectio Verum faccaboria This is a list of other information Food Truck Restrooms Store location Monday, May 2 Appraisal Opportunity 6pm to 7pm B5V Tent Bring your old books and magazines and get them appraised by the experts of Forewords. Tuesday, May 3 Talk: What makes a shirt vintage? 4pm to 5pm B5V Tent Join our experts from Fleapolis for this informative talk. Appraisal Opportunity 6pm to 7pm B5V Tent Bring your old cameras and lenses and get them appraised by the experts of Vintage Shutter Wednesday, May 2 Appraisal Opportunity 6pm to 7pm B5V Tent Bring your old books and magazines and get them appraised by the experts of Forewords. Talk: What makes a shirt vintage? 4pm to 5pm B5V Tent Join our experts from Fleapolis for this informative talk. Appraisal Opportunity 6pm to 7pm B5V Tent Bring your old cameras and lenses and get them appraised by the experts of Vintage Shutter Thursday, May 11 Appraisal Opportunity 6pm to 7pm B5V Tent Bring your old books and magazines and get them appraised by the experts of Forewords. Friday, May 15 Talk: What makes a shirt vintage? 4pm to 5pm B5V Tent Join our experts from Fleapolis for this informative talk. Appraisal Opportunity 6pm to 7pm B5V Tent Bring your old cameras and lenses and get them appraised by the experts of Vintage Shutter