The positive space in many of my photos are flowers, fish, signs that you would see while in the subway or in the classroom. I think my images work in both greyscale and color because the subject is usually in the center. For example, my flower portrait, the white flower would stand out well in the blurry green background, there would be great contrast. In person, there is a lot to take in like the people around you and location. But when snapped and cropped on the phone, you are only forced to see what was taken on the phone, leaving out everything else around. I think my images are quite successful, very easy to see what the focus is on, and when there are multiple subjects.
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Instructor: Madhura Redij
Office hour: 8:30am-11am Monday, Thursday
This basic design and color theory course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements and principles of design, as well as the design process, including idea development through final execution. Communication designers use the concepts explored in this course in disciplines such as advertising, graphic design, web design, illustration, broadcast design, photography, and game design.
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