Extra Credit Homework

Christina Agnissan 




Professor Shahnewaz Rahim


Bio 1101 Section: LC06


Extra credit assignment 


As I entered the building of New York City College of Technology confused, lost, nervous, and excited at the same time, I couldn’t believe I started college, a freshman in college, at that. I was filled with different emotions as I was wandering around the halls looking for my classes, not wanting to be late. Rumors I heard about college while I was in high school was floating through my mind, “In college Christina, you can’t be late, Professors won’t let you in even if you’re 1 minute late!” Running through the halls, bumping into other students. As I got to each class, with different professors I realized there’s nothing different from high school as the professors spoke to the class. Everything was the same as I thought it would be from high school. 

I thought wrong, as soon as each professor pulled out the syllabus with due dates and time I completely lost it. The grading system is so different from high school, I instantly thought to myself “Take me back to high school please everything was so much easier”. The first week of college was what I call “calm”, surprising, and frustrating. I felt very independent and free. I was learning new things such as how professors teach, how students react to different things, and things that are beneficial to me and would help me adapt to this college environment. Frustrating in a way of things being so overwhelming to me. Everything isn’t handled for you or will be done for you, you have to go out there to get things done for yourself, figure out what you want for yourself… It’s nobody’s problem but yours.

The only thing that’s the same in college and from high school is everyone’s goals. Everyone is a classroom, for one thing, to learn. The learning style and procedures may be different but in college, education is taken more seriously. Everyone’s future is set in their minds as they step in a class knowing that’s the only way they can achieve and to get to where they want to be at. After realizing that, I figured that there’s no reason for me to be frustrated, shy, and scared because everyone in the classroom is in the same predicament as me… Whether it’s just the beginning for them, they’re halfway there, or they’ve made it but they still want more learning.

In conclusion, throughout my years in college, I plan to adapt to the college lifestyle very well, attempt to make a great variety of friendships, study and SUCCEED.

2 thoughts on “Extra Credit Homework”

  1. I am happy to know that you took college education more seriously. Yes, as you realize as a college student you have more freedom, but more responsibilities. You have to empower yourself, and become a good citizen. Good luck!

  2. Transition to college life is challenging. Students like Christina who become overwhelmed looking at the syllabus, and other systems of college education gradually realize that college education is not that difficult as they speculate in the beginning. Yes, subject matter is little difficult as they study in details but it is achievable. It is an ambitious journey but with careful planning, and dedication students can be very successful. Study habits are important, students must study without delaying or postponing for the next time. Students must study on the regular basis for at least 5/6 hours everyday. So, the first tip to be successful in learning is to avoid procrastination. Hard work and repetition are the name of the game. But one thing every college student enjoy is their freedom. Students realize now they became adult and therefore, take the ownership, and become responsible citizen. I am happy to see their transformation as they depart with confidence.

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