Author Archives: Jessica Natal

post a secret

hi I this is a good picture to put in the flyer, it caught my attention for what we want to announce in the event!


live Well nutrition sesion

I did the nutrition session and not meeting the standards of how much calories I have to consumed per day, my diet is very simple and as a Ecuadorian we don’t eat too much vegetables. I tried to incorporated vegetables 2 to 3 times per week so my family and I can start changing the way we eat. I love the fact that this website has different resources that I can use to learn different ways to eat and cook vegetables. I love it, so I’m trying my best. I try to eat fruits almost everyday so in that part I don’t have problems. So far I love the way how live Well push me to change to do better with my life.


live well

Live well website was very helpful and interesting, I started with the questionnaire and i like the fact that I was very sincere answering the questions, I’m a gym member but I go to school 4 days a week, I’m very tired with homework, cooking, but I need to do something positive in my life. I’m overweight, my grandmother by my mom side has diabetes, my parents suffered from hypertension, so if I don’t start doing a change in my life I can be in serious health situation and I don’t want that. In the meantime I’m going to the gym once a week to do cardio and weights, walking in my lunch hour and eating a little bit healthy. I have to do it slowly because I’m not a diet person. my birthday is coming so I have to look beautiful.

Active Minds

Guau I’m really impress to know that there is an organization that focuses in mental health and specifically in colleges. definitely depression is a major health problem worldwide. I’m a medical assistant and when I do vitals I have to ask each patient if they feel depressed and I can say that 60% answer yes they feel depressed and this is every day, I think depression is cause by stress and also loneliness. This organization is really important because students are suffering bullying, loss of concentration and this cause that they fell not worthy, that life is nothing good for them, so is really important to have resources like this to go and look for help. Really a good resource to go and have important information about mental illness.