Author Archives: JeffreyEnc

Live Well 3

Keeping on the same track so far. All my phases are in action at this point. With school, part time work and trying to keep up with social life it’s been difficult to stick to a routine. I now have a clearer understanding of prioritizing what’s most important ‘in the now’ and get those task done, rather than procrastinating. Additionally, this process has helped me think about life in the perspective of being financially, physically and mentally free without the need of others approval. It’s important to note that you come first then if possible can you help others along the way.


Live well session 2

For my second session the same goal is at hand, get in the best shape mentally and physically. My live well stages are set at action for exercise and healthy eating while stress is at maintenance. In terms of exercising, I have kept up with bodyweight training while mixing it up routinely to keep the workouts fresh. I have looked into diets and have been intrigued by the ketogenic diet. This diet consist of limiting carb intake to a minimum while fats and proteins make up the rest of your diet. Overall the diet seeks to put the body in ketosis, which is the most optimal state for fat burning. Before the body can burn fat it burns carbs for fuel, the keto diet skips this process by keeping carbs low and having fat storages used instead. In addition,  I have also looked into supplementation such as a multivitamin, vitamin d, and omega 3. A blood test will tell us our vitamin deficiencies but in general, it doesn’t hurt to have these three as icing on the cake on top of good nutrition, exercise and rest. Oddly enough I have also looked into nootropics recently.  Nootropics are another kind of supplement, however, more potent per dosage allowing better brain function, focus, mood and determination. These types of pills aren’t like limitless pills from the Bradley Cooper film Limitless but they help to a great extent. When needed, needed being the key word, nootropics can help with studying, exams and work. It’s no wonder that many financial executives on wall street and silicon valley employees have been known to take them to better their cognitive performance. That has been my experience with my second live well session.

Livewell – Session 1

For my first session, I was able to go through each survey fully and receive back the stage I was in. For exercise, I am in pre-contemplation, which means I need to come up with a weekly workout routine from now on. Primarily, I would like to focus on strength training but no gyms in my area supply the free weights necessary to deadlift, squat or bench press. Therefore, I will be doing body weight exercises instead at home such as push ups, pull ups and work on my core strength. A workout routine is nothing without a good diet. Being that I am in the preparation stage for healthy eating I will be get rid of soda and juice in exchange for drinking more water, tea and coffee. Food will stay consistent and boil down to one carb, protein and fat per meal. This can consist of rice with beans alongside chicken breast or fish and a piece of avocado while cooking with coconut or olive oil for an added source of healthy fat.  Finally, for stress management, I am in the maintenance stage. For the most part, I have tried my best to be even keel when it comes to work, school and life in general. I try to only focus on the things I can control. I have also been eager to try out meditation and possibly yoga in the future to be more present in the moment, and increase my happiness and self-esteem.